About the Author

Dan Hirschowitz


Dan developed his love for the African bush whilst growing up on a family run farm in the Kwa-Zulu Natal midlands. Growing up in the bushveld he was surrounded by wildlife and finds his passion in what nature has to offer. After completing ...

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Enjoyed this blog – I want to see more photos of and stories of birds

Beautiful article about the arrival of spring, Dan. And lovely photos of birds. This September I saw lots of crested barbets and also Wahlberg’s Eagles. Beautiful birds.

Senior Digital Ranger

Very good, Dan. Any rain yet?

What great shots of the season!! The sunrise (?) shot with the king is amazing! Love all the birds…becoming a birdy myself 😉

Birds are such an integral part of the experience at Londolozi. During one of our visits we enjoyed seeing 81 species. But we tend to come June to September, so we miss the spring/summer guys.

Dan, thanks for the pictures of the birds arriving. Sunrise and sunset as the seasons change nature changes and grows.

Lovely, Monarch butterflies are so well-known when talking about the American species, but much lesser in Africa, what sort of migration route do they use?

Spring sounds like a wonderful time to spend your days in Londolozi. The cold mornings of winter give way to lighter clothing and opportunities to see and hear more birds around camp as well as the bush, and it will still be easy to cross the Sand River, a favorite of mine when exploring wildlife along the causeway. 10 more days…..

Hi Dan your story on changing of season’s is so on the button. Here on the reserve where I live I hear the different bird calls and have noticed a few swallows have arrived. The Woodlands Kingfisher has not arrived yet as the other swallows that we have seen here. The Drongo is a clever bird and it has so many different calls. The birds that you posted in your article are beautiful. We are now awaiting the much needed rain to fall on our grounds so that all the trees, shrubs and flowers and bush can be rejuvenate with God’s precious rain. With the rain everything seems to come alive and start growing again.

So many lovely birds, Dan. I love the red eye of the Couchal. The crested barbet looks adorned for a festival. I don’t recall seeing an image of one before. Welcome spring!

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