The big question that we all have is could one of the Ntsevu Pride lionesses be infertile?
Five of the six lionesses in the pride have had cubs over the last two years, but one is still yet to give birth. The remaining lioness has been seen mating over and over again with the Birmingham males, but to no avail.
Lionesses will typically mate with several males within an area to ensure that each male believes the cubs to be his own. In this way, the cubs gain protection from all the males in a territory and avoid infanticide. It is also known that not every oestrus cycle will result in ovulation. This may be a strategy to ensure that when ovulation does occur, it is likely that the strongest coalition of males will have settled in a territory. In this manner, by the time a lioness conceives, cubs are protected by the presence of territorial males holding the strongest genes in that area at that time.
About three weeks ago, a single Ntsevu lioness was found mating with one of the Birmingham males. They were together for about four days, mating consistently – as lions do.
Then, only a few days ago, a mating pair was found in the far southwest of Londolozi. We would expect to find either the Mungheni pride or even the Southern pride in these parts. The male was easy enough to identify as the Othawa male. Upon close inspection of the lioness’ whisker pattern, it was confirmed to be the same Ntsevu lioness as pictured above.
The pair was viewed mating for roughly three days. We hypothesise that one of the Birmingham males wondered into the area, roaring, which may have caused the Othawa male to up and move west into more familiar territory. This is based on tracks that were followed in the area, leading straight to where a Birmingham male was found. The lioness was miles away from the safety of the rest of her pride, but clearly that’s what instinct can drive a lioness to do.
Will these recent matings finally result in this lioness falling pregnant? Only time will tell, but we think not…
It will be great if she can conceive. If she fall pregnant and return to the pride, will the Birmingham males knownit is not their cubs?
Hi Marinda,
As the lioness has been mating with both the Othawa male and the Birmingham male(s), it is almost impossible to tell who the true father may be if she does conceive. Thus hypothetically, when she returns to the Ntsevu pride with new cubs, the males will most likely accept them to be theirs as they mated with her too.
Pete, great photos, I especially liked the one Nteseva Lioness after mating with Othawa Male🤗
Lion dynamics are always interesting, and maybe, just maybe the Ntsevu lioness will conceive this time. I am a great believer in, ‘Where there is life, there is hope’. Fingers crossed for her.
Thank you for the update …. we can only hope that this lioness will outgrow her infertility and finally achieve sexual maturity, resulting in giving birth to her own cubs. Another wait and see.
Do I dare say that today’s blog is “Enchanting” while an interesting chapter amidst a day in the life of a unique lioness,..
Interesting devolpment. It’s cool how cheeky the Othawa male is.
Hi, Pete and Bennett!!!
Thanks for an unforgettable three days of amazing sightings and information and company!!! We had the most wonderful time at Londolozi. Unfortunately, after we left, we decided we had to go home to Los Angeles immediately given the world situation. We hope that the world will overcome Covid-19 and that we can visit South Africa again next year! Best wishes to all at Londolozi that you make it safely through these dark times.
Karen Fairbank and Vahan Moosekian
Hi Karen and Vahan,
A real pity that you had to cut the rest of your trip short! We are entering a 21 day lock down here so best that you got out when you did in any case. We would love to have you both back sometime. Do keep in touch via the blog when you can. I will send my details through to Vahan.
Keep well!
Pete and Bennet
I want to send you a picture but I am not sure I have your info. Please send me your email address. Plus, I want to keep in touch with you. Thanks, Vahan
Oops, I realized I needed to send you my info first.
Hi Vahan,
Great to hear from the two of you.
Thanks for the wishes. I will send a mail to you.
Hopefully this time her dream became true,she is so eager to be a mother!
Awesome great photos and blog. Thank you for sharing