Involved Leopards

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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Ngungwe 3:3 Female

Ngungwe 3:3 Female

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Three Rivers 2:2 Female

Three Rivers 2:2 Female

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About the Author

Patrick Grealy


Patrick was born and raised in Johannesburg and from a young age dreamt about living in the bush. He grew up going on family holidays to Madikwe in the North West where his passion grew. After high school Patrick went to the Eastern ...

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on The Week in Pictures #685

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I enjoyed your post and images Patrick. Best wishes!

Master Tracker

Superb, 10/10 for the warthog photo – I would be very pleased if that was mine. It highlights the benefits of getting as close to eye level as possible

Tails love knot is my favourite picture… how close these two absolutely special leopards are. The Three Rivers young female sweet attachment to her mum and viceversa is tangible in all pictures, I love them. The affectionate warthog piglets and the elephant touching each other also are very emotional pictures. All big cats are superb. The intense look of the Styx young male is impressive, hooking. Poor buffalo calf. Water reflection of the lovely Ximungwe female is a stunning picture. The rhino seems to enjoy greatly its mud bath! Beautiful life-thriving collection.

Patrick, great pictures this week. My favorite is the bull rhino taking a mud bath. He looks very serene and pleased with himself.

Seeing the warthogs and the elephants, I wonder why people feel the phrase “tete a tete” is some kind of human thing?

So great! All the tender moments so wonderful (piglets, ellies, leopard tails). But think the hyena in the water with the reflection in his eyes is so cool and my fave this week!

I love the symmetry of the warthogs, elephants and leopard tails–all interesting compositions. The hyena in the water was quite eerie, and the intense stares of the lions with the buffalo calf gave me pause. A great WIP for sure!

Hi Patrick, I love the photo of the Three Rivers female leopard and her female cub, especially where the two tails overlap each other. Very excited to see the Tsalala female and I hope she is pregnant. The Ngungwe female is a beautiful young leopard. I hope the Ximungwe female and the Three Rivers female do not fight over territory. We don’t want either leopard getting hurt.

Hi Patrick, I love all your photos! A really great selection again.
Very funny the two warthogs face to face and the same in the following photo of two elephants.
Great to see that the Tsalala lioness is fine.
Lovely mother and daughter Three rivers, tail to tail resting next to each other.

As usual, amazing pictures. My favorite is the rhino bull enjoying a mud bath. Thank you for sharing.

Great photos Pat! Favorites include the warthog piglets nose to nose as well as the bull elephants checking each other out. I always love seeing the Tsalala female and the angle of the Styx on the young buffalo, capturing his eye is stunning. The Three Rivers female cub is enchanting as well as Ngungwe. Probably my favorite is the entanglement of the tails of Three Rivers and her daughter – love detail shots.

Dear Patrick, what an amazing choice of pics, impressive eyes of the leopards, but the elephants and warhogs are great.

All your photos are amazing. The photo with the two leopard tails entangled is my personal favorite.

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10 April, 2798
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