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Reece Biehler

Guest contributor

Reece was born and raised in Johannesburg where from a young age he nurtured his love for the African Bush through countless holidays to the Kruger National Park. It was here where he found his 'happy place' and it would only be a ...

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on Tree Climbing Lions of Londolozi – An Ndzhenga Male Steals Carcass from a Leopard

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This is a true WOW. Looking forward to y’all recounting this happening (next week)!

I am glad you enjoyed this blog, Elizabeth. We look forward to having you here.

Oh my! I was so afraid that the Ximungwe female might encounter the same fate of the Plaque Rock female! But the Ndzenga male ‘s attention was all on the impala. Great evolution in lions behaviour… Their intelligence and plasticity match with their strength, at the expense of leopards…

That is always the concern whenever these impressive predators encounter one another, thankfully it that was not the case on this occasion! A truly memorable sighting.

Now that’s a sighting that’s worth being late to dinner for! I’m surprised it took him so long to figure out his plan, but I imagine he wasn’t very comfortable in that tree–certainly not like a leopard.

I couldn’t agree more, Chelsea! He was definitely questioning his choices after realizing just how high he was.

epic! thank you for sharing

I’m glad you enjoyed this blog, Mj!

Reece, what a spectacular video. Thanks for sharing this amazing event. Lions truly are opportunistic no matter what it takes.

Hi William. I am so thrilled you enjoyed this blog of a truly memorable sighting!

That was WILD Reece, and truly and once-in-a-lifetime viewing!!

Once in a lifetime, indeed, Paul. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Amazing! That was an evening not to be forgotten by all those fortunate enough to witness the sheer determination of the Ndzenga male and great material for storytelling around the boma fire! Well done on the video. Your story again proves that one should always leave on each drive with an open mind, ready to expect the unexpected..

Senior Digital Ranger

I hope he unites with his brother soon. What an incredible sighting. It is that thrill of never knowing what you may see next that makes me love my visits to Londolozi.

What areal „once in a lifetime“ story, Reece. Incredible what a hungry lion can do.
The leopardˋs hard-earned meal stolen and eaten right there on the tree… Reminds one of certain behaviour by Homo sapiens.

Hi Christa, I am so glad you enjoyed this sighting! It was truly mind blowing!

Well written Reece, I certainly felt tense just reading this. I’m so glad Ximungwe got away safely. Do you know which female made the kill? Sounds like she also got away just in time.

Senior Digital Ranger

what a fantastic sighting, you are right, yo never know what you are privileged to witness on safari. Thank you for sharing.

Master Tracker

I think the guests who saw that were enormously privileged

Oh I wanted to see what I’m assuming a very UN-graceful descent – ha! Very cool sighting! Aside from the leopard losing her meal 🙁

That is magnificent to see this huge male lion climbing a tree and stealing the carcass. At one stage I thought he is going to drop the carcus. Truly a life time sighting.

Amazing! I loved the video and article. How thrilling. I hope his decent was smooth and
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