About the Author

Bronwyn Varty-Laburn

Creative Director

Bronwyn is 4th generation custodian of Londolozi Game Reserve, a mother, Master life coach and also one of its most longstanding employees, having grown up on the floors of the kitchen and in the gardens of the lodge. Bronwyn’s official title is that ...

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on A Podcast From A Campfire

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I loved your story, Boyd … I listened to it with my eyes closed! Story telling is a very special part of life, and recording the stories should not be left too long as many of us tend to do, so well done doing this at only 40! I do believe that embracing nature is the very essesnce of a happy life, and that art in its various forms helps achieve that …. and, by the way, science and art are complementary, often being different sides of the same coin … go well and enjoy ‘bouncing’ into a wonderful future!!

Downloaded for my LONG trip to SA. Hoping to see both of you in … three weeks!

Thank you for highlighting the new Story Hunter series on Boyd Varty’s Track Your Life podcast! Boyd’s entries run deep and wide, with humor, humanity, and wisdom.

Your family’s work has bettered my life and helped me reconnect with all living things.
Thank you, thank you.

Boyd Varty is a true story teller. He has a calm and interesting way of telling the story he wants to convey to people. Fantastic and really good to hear his calm way of life. Each person comes to a place in their life where they must know choose which way to go, and get it on track. You have done just that by being alone for a while and making your own decision, to do what is created in you to do.

Senior Digital Ranger

I am just finishing the Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life. Next up will be Cathedral of the Wild. Boyd’s stories are very captivating.

I am already loving this new season. I was cry-laughing hysterically during the buffalo story. I can’t wait to listen to the rest.

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