About the Author

Kirst Joscelyne


At less than a year old, Kirst went to her family’s hut in the Greater Kruger National Park, and has been fortunate enough to continue to go there ever since. Sharing a passion for the bush with her family, led to countless trips ...

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on The Birth of a Giraffe Calf

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Hi Kirst, this is the most special and moving blog I read of Londolozi! Oh my, what a spectacular mum and calf! giraffe are so sweet with those large beautiful eyes and long elagant proportions, a newborn is just something your heart beats hard for! Thank you sooo much for this wonder!

Amazing! Just a beautiful site to have captured to share… Thank you

That’s a really special 1st for you Kirst – how enthralling it must have been. Here’s a question for you: do giraffes ever give birth to twins?

A question

we were fortunate enough to see this about 4 years ago with Sean Zeederberg
unfortunately he had forgotten to charge his camera batteries!
was a great memory
just got back to the States form Londo last week
can’t wait to get back
Bill and Kelley Royer

How exciting that you were able to catch the moment. Exquisite. Unique!

Amazing! And a privilege. I would love to be so lucky as to be in the right place at the right time.

Kirst, thank you for sharing such a miraculous event! I was holding my breath hoping a predator was not nearby!

Wow, Kirst, what an absolutely amazing experience! I guess your guests will never ever forget this.
And how tiny the calf looks in comparison to its mother, though it is actually as tall as an adult. A very impressive video. Thanks!

Oh Kirst what an experience seeing this little giraffe being born. Nor wonder you wanted to see this birth and experience seeing it first hand. It really is so beautiful, and the little one is so very cute. Thanks for sharing this magnificent birth.

Oh my, nothing compares to the miracle of birth. Watching the video I began tearing up so I can only imagine how special this experience was for all of you whilst watching from your vehicle. The images leading up to and after its birth, assisted in telling the story. Very few of us actually witness a birth in the wild, mostly arriving after the fact, but even then, it’s wondrous to witness an animal’s first steps with its mother looking in. Great reporting Kirst!

So very amazing. I see why it’s worth the wait to be there for this event. Warms my heart

Fantastic video Kirst, thanks for sharing the experience. It is always wonderful to see new life emerge into our world.

So sweet! Being able to witness any birth in the wild is amazing but that large drop that a giraffe calf has to make is almost unthinkable! How lucky you were to witness it all!

What an incredible sighting! A bucket list item for sure. There is something so tender and moving about seeing a new mother with her baby. I felt similarly when our mares birthed their foals. Watching them bond through the grooming process before their first steps is so heartwarming. I hope this little calf has a long and happy life.

Senior Digital Ranger

This is so COOL! My favorite animal. I’ve seen a variety of different types in Pilanesberg. Fascinating to watch the birth.

so amazing, thank you for sharing!

Brilliant capture and post Kirst!!

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