Involved Leopards

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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About the Author

Chris Taylor


Chris was born and raised in the Kwa-Zulu/Natal Midlands where his family inspired his early passion for the natural world. Exploring Southern Africa as he grew up, this passion was allowed to develop and his curiosity to expand. After high school, Chris spent ...

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on The Week in Pictures #661

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Senior Digital Ranger

The wild dog pups and the White Backed Vultures silhouette.

It’s impossible to choose, Chris – they’re all wonderful! I just love all your photos of Nkoveni and her cubs (how old are they now?) But if I have to pick just 1 it has to be the stunning sunrise with the giraffe.

Aww, the cubs have grown. I saw them in early June, they are already bigger.

The wild dog pups steal the show this week IMO! Were the three together? Last we heard two pups were in the one den w/ the larger pack of dogs and then the third I thought still w/ the original pack of 3 still? Also rather like your croc B/W shot! And the close up of the 3 ellies is so crystal clear and beautiful! Oh! And the moonlit vulture shot is definitely a great Halloween wall hanging!!!

Chris, TWIP’s is fabulous. My favorites this week are the little bee eater in the bush and the silhouette of the Vulture sitting perfectly framed.

Chris, I loved your amazing catch of the vultures in front of the full moon!

Master Tracker

I would have been really proud to have taken many of this week’s photos , the opening shot highlights the use of “Golden Hour” light in particular

First of all it’s wonderful to see you posting images once again. Your TWIP comprises such a wide range of animals that it’s impossible to choose a favorite so I’ve selected a few. Personally I like high key so the crocodile is definitely a favorite followed by the silhouette of the vulture at sunset, giraffe portrait, giraffe silhouette, Ximungwe, and the Nkoveni’s male cub leading the way. A couple more include the giraffe at sunset between the trees and the symmetrical male and female kudus. All in all, terrific photos.

Hi Chris, they are great, i think that unanimously here we chose the giraffe s eye! Absolutely charming! The male at sunset, the elephants and the big cats, especially the Nkoveni female and her cubs and so glad to see the Ximungwe female as well!

Hi Chris, some awesome images you took and I particularly liked the image of the Nkoveni cub in the tree looking at the elephants passing by and guarding the impala kill. So glad to see the Ximungwe female again, is she pregnant again.

Hi Chris, I love all your photos.
They are really amazing.
I wish you lots of wonderful photographic opportunities with your mended camera.

Wonderful photos Chris!! Really loved the
Giraffe at sunrise and the vulture in the full moon. Amazing shots.
Londolozi is a gift to us all
Any word on the Tsalala female?

I’d say you’re back at it, Chris! You shared so many lovely images. I love the high key edit of the crocodile and the black and white giraffe portrait. The vulture silhouette was also beautiful–very spooky, and unusual for the feed. I’m glad to see all the big cats are looking healthy. Thank you for sharing!

Senior Digital Ranger

Loving the eyelashes on the 🦒. It’s what I shoot for every time!

Chris, you haven’t lost your touch and your images are spectacular. We especially liked the way you framed the Kudo pair!

Too many wonderful images to choose from Chris, and very glad you’re back photographing the amazing animals of Londolozi!

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