About the Author

Shannon Dawson

Marketing Assistant

Shannon was first exposed to Londolozi as a guest when she was a young girl. Straight away she was in awe at the warm feeling she got from the people and the place. After growing up in Johannesburg she graduated with honours in ...

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on The Legacy Of Leopard Tracking At Londolozi

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So privelaged, to have gone out with Elmon, and Kimbian, in my early visits to Londolozi. Dropping your meal, for an unexpected Leopard sighting. Scrambling, to get on the land-rover with John Varty. Everybody full of anticipation. And. Then. After some hectic, bundubashing, finding the leopard. Amazing experiences. On, more than one trip. Great to see your initiatives!

We honour the Trackers and Rangers of Londolozi and especially the gentlemen in earlier days of tracking. Also we give appreciation and honour to Alex and Renais for their dedication and commitment to teaching the Trackers their unlimited skill of tracking. Almon and JV started it and filmed many pictures of the leopards of Londolozi. Thank you everyone for your input, dedication, enthusiasm and brilliant teaching academy that will bring forth new Trackers.

Thank you for your kind words, Valmai. The legacy of leopard tracking is celebrated each and every day at Londolozi!

What amazing memories, Jos!

I have heard Alex and Renais doing a motivational talk and it is incredible to hear the bond of trust that they have created,

It is an amazing story, Adrian.

Shannon, thanks for sharing your thoughts on tracking and trackers at Londolozi. It is an amazing skill that not everyone is able to acquire and practice. Londolozi offers so much opportunity for community growth around nature. It is a gift given freely through the daily blogs, thanks to everyone.

Thank you for your kind words, William. I am thrilled you enjoyed my blog.

Freddy Ngobeni…..my favorite tracker. I have photos of Phineas from 198? Londolozi has my heart.

Freddy is a master! I would love to see the photos of Phineas!

Thanks Shannon for your article featuring the trackers and their impact in the African eco-tourism sector. I have heard and read about these amazing trackers that have contributed to Londolozi’s history and reputation as a place to see leopards, largely in part due to their skill – seemingly one with nature. Add to this the bond between them and their guides and it equals an exciting drive, opening our senses to all the hidden treasures in the bush in addition to those that are clearly visible. I applaud Londolozi for recognizing that tracking could be a viable conduit to employment within the eco-tourism sector for disadvantaged young men and women in the local communities. Thanks to ideas, initiatives and funding, the academy is now recognized as a leader in the educating and training for those that have the passion and respect for all things living.

Thank you for your kind words, Denise. The Tracker Academy really does ensure that not only the ancient art of tracking is preserved, but also provides invaluable skills to the wonderful men and women looking to become the next trackers or Rhino Guardians!

Senior Digital Ranger

No flowery words…Alex just sucked me in with his mellifluous voice and storyline! I LOVED it!!!

I am delighted you loved it, Camille.

Trackers are indeed the heroes of the bush! I admire your skills, your courage and your respect for and love of the animals you track, especially the leopards. It’s so wonderful that, if one visits Londoloz, one can be sure to see leopards, to be able to have some insight into their secretive lives that are so fantastically interesting. Thanks to the trackers and also the guides who always manage to get the cars into the most incredible positions so that the guests can watch the animals.

I couldn’t have said it better myself, Christa. The relationship between guides and trackers at Londolozi is a legacy that is incredibly special.

I loved the video and blog, Shannon. I remember Richard Siwela – he was our tracker (with Stompy) the 1st time we came in 2010. How many years ago did he retire?
Last time I came I bought “The Adventures of Two Wildlife Trackers” by Alex and Renias from the shop. I’m really looking forward to reading it, but am holding off until just before I return in November as a pre-trip treat!

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