Involved Leopards

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

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Three Rivers 2:2 Female

Three Rivers 2:2 Female

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Nkoveni 2:2 Female

Nkoveni 2:2 Female

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Plaque Rock 3:3 Female

Plaque Rock 3:3 Female

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Kangela Male

Kangela Male

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About the Author

Reece Biehler

Guest contributor

Reece was born and raised in Johannesburg where from a young age he nurtured his love for the African Bush through countless holidays to the Kruger National Park. It was here where he found his 'happy place' and it would only be a ...

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on The Week In Pictures #653

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Great pictures this week Reece. My favorite is the Nkoveni female and her cub in the tamboti tree with her kill.

I love all your photos, Reece, they are fantastic.
Actually I prefer the golden light on the golden coat of the Three Rivers Female. But from the photographic point of view, the black and white is stunning.
Nice, to see the Senegal bush Male again. And the youngsters, the leopard and lion cubs and the hyena’s pup are so cute.

Reece, Thanks for the wonderful TWIP! Our favorite is the 5 Rhinos lined up perfectly – really rare shot!

So, the prehistoric fellows sucked me in. The five(!) rhinos and the causeway crocodile are my top two.

Thanks for a great TWIP Reece – how lucky were you to see a crash of 5 rhinos together like that! My favourite shot this week has to be Nkoveni with a cub in the tree. I so hope she and her 2 cubs are still around when I come back in early November, but this week’s shocking news about Plaque Rock shows we can take nothing for granted. Cubs dying is unfortunately common, but their mother….?
Oh, and I much prefer the colour version of 3 Rivers. I feel leopards have such beautiful coats that black and white images don’t do justice to them.

Goodness Reece, I cannot choose a favorite. I love the variety this week. The line up of rhinos was certainly unusual. And as I was scrolling down, the buffalo bull was not the animal I expected to see on the causeway, so that was a nice surprise. I love the giraffe calf, the crocodile and what was likely one of the last photos of the Plaque Rock female. All the babies featured brought a little light to my heart. Thank you for sharing this collection!

What a stunning sunset, those colours are absolutely stunning. I love the colour foto of the Three Rivers female, but the B/W is also beautiful. My favorite for this week is the foto of the five white rhinos drinking water. That is an exceptionally good foto. Off course the Nkoveni and her cubs brings joy to my heart, especially after the tragic death of the Plague rock female and gorgeous little cub. Wonderful foto’s this week, thank you Reece.

Hi, I find those pictures really charming and interesting. Leopards above all; it’s a bittersweet feeling, given what happened to the Plaque Rock Female and her cub. The Three River Female, the Nkoveni Female and the Nkoveni Female with her cubs are also stunning, of course the cubs are adorable and irresistible! The owl is great, a fantastic picture, it made me smile together with the baby giraffe and the chamaleon, the lion and leopard cubs too of course. I like also in particular the photos of the old buffalo, it is rare and has an atmosphere. And, of course, the closing one… rhinos are rare, how did you happen to find them together?

So sad about the Plaque Rock female and her cub. The Ndzhenga males are starting to remind me of people!

Fantastic pics this week Reece. The hungry croc is a good capture as well as the 5 rhino at the water’s edge. I can never see too many leopards and your images this week didn’t disappoint, especially the photo of Plaque Rock draped regally over the branch. It appears the dwarf mongoose came up for a quick look, but was almost invisible save for his pink nose – great sighting.

Master Tracker

The Rhino photo is amazing, note how some have had their horns removed. Today a photo came to me of the Kenyan Wildlife Service , darting a mature bull elephant of around forty five years to remove his tusks , to prevent him falling foul of poaching gangs

Five rhinos drinking side-by-side?! Gets my vote for #1!

please make beautiful tribute to our queen plaque rock female ❤️ the sun is set but plaque rock female will shine forever ❤️ RIP MY FAVOURITE LEOPARD

FIVE rhinos! Amazing shot! And gorgeous sunset to close out another fabulous WIP 👍🏽

Phenomenal set of images Reece! How many hyena dens have you all been able to view and are they all in the same area of the reserve?

Great set of images Reece! What great viewing you all have enjoyed.

Are the hyena dens all in the same area or are they scattered?

That photo of the rhinos drinking is INCREDIBLE! Wow!
And missing Plaque Rock female after her untimely death….what a terrible loss.

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