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Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on Lion Roars- Virtual Safari #218

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Senior Digital Ranger

Lion happy times, spectacular

Wow!!! As you say Sean, being close by to lions roaring is a truly phenomenal experience but on a Sunday afternoon at home, watching your video with the sound turned right up is pretty amazing too!
2 questions for you – do you think lions can identify a specific individual roaring? And can you tell the difference if it’s a male or female roaring?

Stunning Sean! On a side note, and apologies if I missed something, but I haven’t heard anything about the Skorro male as of late. Any updates? Thanks!

The earth shakes at the powerful sound of lions! Absolutely amazing! A large pride roaring is an ultimate experience! Thank you

Senior Digital Ranger

Sean..good stuff as usual…nothing like a male lion roar…especially at night and especially in a tented lodge…keep your video’s coming. Thanks, Jim

Amazing sounds from the roaring lions. Thank you Sean for sharing.

Oh my goodness Sean that sound of them roaring is awesome. It goes right through you. Loved the way they run and play with each other. That male lion is very impressive and huge as well.

Pure safari bliss: the roar of lions that overwhelms your senses, especially when the males call, the loving moments between the females as they groom one another and watching the cubs as they rumble, tumble, ‘attack’ with each other and their mothers. Fantastic Sunday video Sean!

What a great video, Sean!
Being next to lions who are roaring is really awe- inspiring. Fantastic to see how the lions, old and young of this pride are playing with each other and roaring to their hearts’ content. Wonderful! I love being next to lions in the dusk of an evening when they roar. It really resonates through one’s whole body . So fantastic.

Incredible viewing Sean! It is so amazing how far those lion roars carry. And we agree that the males are probably looking for a free meal!

Loved the little guy roaring most!!!

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