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Robyn Morrison

Londolozi Alumna

Robyn grew up in Johannesburg and every family holiday was spent exploring the Lowveld or camping around Southern Africa. Her love of nature and conservation propelled her to complete her Masters degree at the University of Edinburgh’s school of Geoscience. Although this gave ...

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on Do Animals Have More Immunity Than Us?

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Interesting Robyn. Well written and explained.

Great article Robyn. There’s much content to think about here.

The memory cell alert system is totally fascinating.

I always had it that animals had a stronger immune system than humans. Our stomach acids are PH 3 which is good and hyenas less than 2. Very interesting Robin thanks for this article, food for thought.

Great choice of photos! In regards to subject…evolution has a big part too I imagine.

Thanks Robyn for a very interesting blog. The other thing that fascinates me is their ability to recover from really horrible wounds – we’ve certainly seen that with various leopards and lions.

Robyn, interesting blog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on immunity in animals vs humans.

Super fascinating post Robyn! I’ve wondered about animals and immunity since having pets as a kid – how can they eat and do the things they do and not get sick! I also found it fascinating how animals don’t show their sicknesses as way of extending their chances of survival. It makes total sense, but so different from we humans!

I’ve often wondered the same thing – no need to look further than our housecats! Just as an aside, as a microbiologist please be careful not to mix up antigen and antibody – maternal antibodies are passed on to the offspring via breastmilk, but not antigens (the proteins in the foreign organism that the antibodies react against).

Robyn, Thanks for your thought-provoking post. It’s something we have thought about and you added some great background and facts!

Hi Robyn,
Thank you for a very interesting blog article and beautiful photos! I especially loved the first one with the lion cub eating his dinner…
Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for this very interesting piece. We too often forget that we are ALL animals, fellow creatures with more in common than not.

Very interesting question, Robyn. Especially when I see animals drinking water from very dirty pools, fool of excrements, I sometimes wonder if they might not become ill. But obviously not.

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