Involved Leopards

Nkuwa 3:3 Female

Nkuwa 3:3 Female

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Barry Bath

Guest contributor

Barry grew up in Johannesburg and knew from a young age that he had a true love for the African bush yet it was only after spending several years in the corporate world in Europe, followed by a two year sabbatical of traveling ...

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on What’s Next for the Nkuwa Female Leopard’s Cubs

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Thanks for the update. Interesting times, ahead of the leopard dynamics. Any update on the Tsalala females pregnancy?

Barry, more or less – how old is the Ntomi Male at the moment?

These story of the Nkuwa’s love, instruction, and maturation of her cubs is so very cool. Hoping her female cub is to follow

Senior Digital Ranger

Great to hear both her cubs are doing well. We met them in June but only saw them from a distance as there was a hyena close by and all three (mom and cubs) were in different trees.

Great update Barry, thank you.

Is this her first litter? So great she did so well with these two! Do you think the dense area they call home helped more so than other spots or are some leopards just better moms (like people)?!

On August 18 2023 we saw the following: Nkuwa with scrub hare in her mouth on a march. As we follow her (to Sand River!) she calls her cubs. Catch up to her on a sand spit sans hare. Finally catch sight of one cub as it finished munching. — from my journal

First of all Barry, thanks for the update. I had been thinking about these two male cubs of Nkuwa and hoping they were both alive and well. It’s obvious she’s been a fantastic mother to these two, judging their size and body mass. That first image of her, tongue out, looks like a tired mother. Who knows where their future lies, but given their great lineage , I’m sure they’ll find a territory and continue to thrive.

This is one of the most intriguing article I’ve read! Have you observed the relationship between the two male cubs? Are they very alike the females ‘ or are they more independent? Incredibile what this mother has done! They are all so handsome. The pink nose is so in contrast with the Ntomi’s male dark nose … looking forward to reading the following steps of this family!

Incredible, thanks for the updates and for keeping us on safari even though we are so far away!

Great update, Barry! I’m looking forward to seeing the 3 of them in September as we were unsuccessful sighting them last July, despite days of searching with Ross and Life. Here’s hoping they stay safe!

Hi Barry, I am very excited to see these two sons of the Nkuwa female and it seems to they are going to be two stunning leopards. She is an excellent mother and as you say Barry, they might be moving on ealier than there two year stay with mom. It was good to see them again, thanks for the update. Nkuwa female is still young, she can easily have a few more litters of cubs.

Great to hear that the Nkuwa and her adolescent cubs are in such good shape. It is certainly a big achievement of her that she has been able to raise two male cubs. I would love to see them one day as fully grown, beautiful male leopards. Who knows?
Thanks for the beautiful photos and the great blog, Barry

Thank you Barry, I’d completely forgotten about these 3! Provided the cubs make it to independence, will that be the 1st time that has happened with 2 brothers? It’s rare enough to achieve this with 2 sisters – of course Nhlanguleni and Nkoveni have done it, which was exceptional.

Mom looks like I feel in this heat.

I didn’t realize they were already 14 months old. She’s done an incredible job. I can’t remember–is this her first litter? Or at least the first to survive? Wishing them all well.

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