Involved Leopards

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

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Maxim's 5:3 Male

Maxim's 5:3 Male

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Xinkhova 2:2 Female

Xinkhova 2:2 Female

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Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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Nottens 4:4 Male

Nottens 4:4 Male

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About the Author

Kate Arthur

Guest contributor

After a few years of working in the world of economic consulting, Kate’s love of adventure, wilderness and sense of curiosity led her to move away from the city and join the Londolozi guiding team. It was amidst her years of studying politics, ...

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on The Week In Pictures #633

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Senior Digital Ranger

Any views of the talsasa lioness

Hi Tammy – Yes the Tsalala Lioness has been seen recently in the northern parts of Londolozi.

Wonderful pictures, Kate. I love the Green pigeons because it’s for the first time that I see them so clearly and on the ground and not in a tree. But all the pictures are really amazing

Thanks Christa! Im glad you like it – I was very excited too to get to capture them clearly on the ground – an unusual sighting of these birds.

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh my gosh, I have never seen so many spider babies! Plus, I have never seen baby Golden Old Web Spiders before! Excellent find!

Thank you Debra!

Senior Digital Ranger

So many wonderful pictures to choose from. I think I will choose the Green Pigeons. I was fortunate enough to see them when we went on drive. So pretty

Thanks Sandra.

Senior Digital Ranger

What a splendid set of photos this week Kate, thank you. Makes us absolutely LONG for Londolozi. They really encapsulate everything that is magical about summer. So difficult to choose a favourite – a toss up between the buffalo in the waterhole and the Xinkhova female napping in the Marula. Wonderful to live vicariously through your lens!

Thank you very much Jane, I’m glad you enjoyed these images.

THOSE WERE ALL BABY SPIDERS???!!! The single reason I wouldn’t do well as a guide – ha! Amazing but stuff of nightmares for me! I loved the off center pic of the Maxims male and the Nottens male surrounded by all that green is beautiful! Enjoy your lush surroundings! Thank you for sharing 🙂

Thank you Anita. Hehe I know what an unusual creature to capture.

What a superb collection of images, Kate! I love the variety of wildlife shown as well. My favorite is the portrait of the Maxim’s male, a fella I’ve tried to capture like this! Elegant and powerful!

Thank you Mary Beth.

Woohoo Kate, another great TWIP in the books! Many many wonderful photographs, but the B/W image of the impalas takes the week for me – just iconic and beautiful!

Thank you Paul!

Kate, wonderful pictures this week. My favorite is the red-billed hornbill at sunset with the golden hue. Great shot. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks William.

Thank you for sharing this portfolio of photos Kate. Your bird images are really special, especially the Wahlburg and Bateleur eagles, side by side, although I doubt they were sharing the kill.
I especially enjoyed seeing the Nottens male leopard who appears to be much larger than when I saw him last April in SabiSabi. He was newly independent as his mother, Ntsumi, was in the process of mating again. It’s great to see he’s fairing well in his nomadic life.
Although the northern section is unavailable currently due to the level of the Sand River, you’ve still so much to explore throughout the rest of the reserve. Cheers to many more fantastic sightings and adventures in the days ahead.

Thanks Denise. I’m glad you enjoyed so many of the images from this week.

All the images are absolutely stunning and so many leopard foto’s. My favorite foto this week is the image of the waldberg eagle and junior bateleur next to one another. They are both beautiful birds and I also loved the African green pigeon.

Thanks Valmai!

Hi Kate, the African green pigeon got me in awe! They are a very welcome cheerful image, and the spider nest too! All cats are superb as usual, I’m glad to see the Notten male he’s such an amazing male! The Maxim male also immediately recognisable by his beautiful large muzzle. I love the cow in the water and the one with her calf, the hippo playing and the beautiful impala. Geese are always among my favourite birds, here there’s two species and even with chicks! The elephant bull picture has something mystical. I’m so happy to see so many healthy leopards get going, as in a close country now there’s a plan to trophy-kill 90.
Bless Londolozi!

Thank you Francesca – I am glad you enjoyed so many of the images from this week!

Senior Digital Ranger

Great collection. But I must say, most mesmerizing impala shot ever! Nice composition, Kate.

Thank you Ann.

I love all the bird images this week, Kate! Thank you for sharing them with us.

Thanks Chelsea.

Loved the spider nest photo!

Thanks Howard!

Digital Ranger

Absolutely fabulous Kate..I just love the Green Pigeons..stunning colours. When can I come back!!

Thanks Belinda!

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