Involved Leopards

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Ntomi 3:3 Male

Ntomi 3:3 Male

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Flat Rock 3:2 Male

Flat Rock 3:2 Male

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Plaque Rock 3:3 Female

Plaque Rock 3:3 Female

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard

About the Author

Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on The Week in Pictures #569

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These photos are so very beautiful.

Thank you so much, Babs.

The look of Senegal Bush male is very menacing… Only cats can stare one down!
I also Loved to see all the emerging colours painted in the bush!

Thank you so much, Gawie. He is a menacing cat indeed.

The photo I thoroughly enjoyed this week is the one ‘Using a termite mound to stealthily approach a herd of impala at sunset.’ I love it. Super silhouette of the leopard’s head and it’s whiskers. Well done Robert.

It is such a unique and gorgeous photo.

Senior Digital Ranger

Wild dogs cooling off in water hole

It is always so great to see wild dogs and so having them really just relaxing and cooling off is fantastic.

Great captures!

Thank you so much, Rob.

Very intense photo of the Ntsevu Lioness makes the viewer feel she is string directly at him!

Thank you so much, Vin. It does make you feel that way.

You do make the choice difficult! 😂 i loved the first shot of the Plaque Rock female and will have to stay with that despite being tempted by the Flat Rock male and that beautiful lioness portrait at the end. Thanks to all for TWIP!

Thank you so much, Darlene. Those two shots you mention are fantastic.

Senior Digital Ranger

Sean, tough to choose today, as you’ve selected some great photos. Gotta go with the fish eagle . . . or the Cape buffalo . . . or the waterhole filled with wild dogs . . . or!

Thank you so much, Dave. Those are some good choices.

Sean, Wow, what a fantastic set of images! Nice that the weather is giving you more opportunities to find wildlife. It’s great to hear that the lions are starting to find their place… There are so many great shots – our favorite though is Robert’s Flat Rock Male as he gazed in the direction of the francolins. The balance in that image is perfect!

Thank you so much, Michael and Terri. The wildlife has been amazing.

It is always difficult to choose a favorite from the many superb images taken and shared, however this week my favorite has to be the wild dogs in the mud, a rare treat indeed.

Thank you so much, Karen. Wild dogs are a rare treat indeed.

Sean, wonderful pictures of the leopards, lions, elephants , etc. The stunning picture of the Ntsevu lionesss is a fantastic close up. But, my favorite is the African fish eagle. I guess I am partial to birds right now as they don’t always get the proper attention by most people. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much, William. The Fish Eagle is great.

Hi Sean, so hard to choose one favorite foto this week. I think I am going to choose the fish eagle this week. So impressive and I love to hear their call. Loved all the foto’s so beautiful and with the cooler weather I am sure the animals really enjoyed the cooler weather.

Thank you so much, Valmai. The Fish Eagle is stunning.

Senior Digital Ranger

Stunning pictures in this weeks TWIP, thank you everyone. Favourite this week is Barry’s beautiful picture of the Plaque Rock female in the dead knobthorn.

Thank you so much, Jane. I agree with your choice of Barry’s image.

I find Barry’s opening photo of the Plaque Rock female sets the tone for this week’s terrific images, and consequently my favorite. There’s a nice balance of predator and prey. Thanks for this collection!

Thank you so much, Denise. It is such a gorgeous shot by Barry.

Thanks for all the lovely photos

Thank you so much, Christa.

Always extraordinary shots from all but Barry’s Plaque Rock female in the dead knobthorn tree takes it hands down for me this week! WOW! Robert’s bull is pretty impressive as well.

Thank you so much, Anita. Barry’s shot is fantastic.

Wonderful photos! Thank you.

Thank you so much, Brian.

I love the expression on the buffalo cow’s face. Her raised eyebrows make her look slightly surprised, and if she were a cartoon, she’d be about to scold you for surprising her. 😂

The buffalo cow does look as though she is raising her eyebrows and maybe eye a bit of mascara.

So many gorgeous images as always, but I have to vote for Barry’s fabulous one of Plaque Rock – what a pose!

Thank you so much, Suzanne. It is such a gorgeous picture of the Plaque Rock Female.

What a lovely week. I think my favourite was the Ximunge female leopard in the sunrise…. she just looks so peaceful. Also the Plaque rock female in the Knobthorn.

Thank you so much, Kara. The Ximungwe Female does look so peaceful in that picture at sunrise.

I clearly vote for the first image. I like the clear colors and the special esthetic that the image itransports. It appears to me like a duble portrait: The animal and the tree are like two personalities that correspond with each other in a very esthetic way. The tree has its own character with its twisted trunk and branches. The leopard is placed at the centre with the left front paw hanging casually over the branch and corresponding to the bend of the branch – perfect pose!

Thank you so much, Ulrike. It is such a stunning picture of the Plaque Rock Female in the dead tree. I agree that they are both like personalities.

Senior Digital Ranger

A pleasure as always. Glad to see the Senegal Bush & Flat Rock males doing well. Senegal Bush indeed has a menacing stare! I do hope the Ntsevu Pride can keep the Birmingham sons well until they are old enough to move away on their own. Thanks for the wonderful photos.

Thank you so much, MJ. The Senegal Bush Male is an impressive male and that stare is definitely menacing. I hope the Ntsevu Sub-adult Males make it through. I am sure they will.

Every week you take me by surprise with incredibly stunning pictures! Yey it’s elephant bulls day, but also leopards and lions are absolutely fantastic in different environments and lights. I totally love the leopards posing really and poshly and lions in such contrasting colours especially when reflected by water. The buffalo cow perhaps is my nr one… she made me smile, seems to have a sort of sense of humour very expressive! Bravo to you all

Thank you so much, Francesca. The buffalo cow was a gorgeous one.

Some awesome images this week, Sean! My favorite is the menacing stare of the Senegal Bush male, sporting his newest war wound from the altercation with Maxim’s male. He’s an impressive-looking leopard, with black ‘eye liner’ adding to his fearsome appearance

Thank you so much, Mary Beth. The Senegal Bush Male is an impressive male.

Master Tracker

Some of the photos prove the opportunity to have the camera 📸 looking straight into the eyes 👀 of the subject works just as well in animal photography as portrait photography in humans

I love the wild dogs in the mud but my favorite picture is the leopard in the knobthorn tree. The tail hanging down with the tree and the cloudy weather really brings the picture together.

Digital Tracker

Gosh guys, you don’t make it easy! Such stunning shots this week but the winner is definitely the Plaque Rock Female! The male lions drinking and the Fish Eagle are stunning shots too!

First of all, I love that I have seen personally 3 of the leopards featured today……but the photo of Plaque Rock is just fabulous!! Also love the silhouette of the hunting cat…….

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