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Robyn Morrison

Londolozi Alumna

Robyn grew up in Johannesburg and every family holiday was spent exploring the Lowveld or camping around Southern Africa. Her love of nature and conservation propelled her to complete her Masters degree at the University of Edinburgh’s school of Geoscience. Although this gave ...

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on The Value of African Elephants in Fighting Global Warming

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Hi Robyn, thank you for this excellent chemistry and ecology explanation. Of course evolution is responsible for this as well, as African elephants and trees, like zebra and many more, are African native. A perfect balance through a long evolutionary process may be altered by humans, by removing or adding new species… thank you

Hello Robyn, I think your articel was really good and importent. Sometimes people don’t understand what an importent job different animals do for nature. They live their but they also work their with different tasks. It is very good that you put light on the importent job that elephants do! At a first glance one may think that they are distroying but they are infact cultivating the eco system… That is importent to understand. Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to more articles in this subject 😃

Thank you for this informative blog today Robyn! I had some knowledge about elephants’ contributions to the environment, but you certainly brought to light even more value that they bring. A question – in some places in Africa the destruction elephants have brought to the savanna, decimating the tree population and leaving hundreds of dead trees, has contributed to flooding and other natural disasters. Is there a hidden value here?

makes me love ellies even more xo

Elephants are certainly one of the most fascinating animals and their role for the health of nature and/ or environment can not be overestimated.
I do hope that it will be possible to protect these wonderful animals also for future generations and for the good of the world.
Luckily there are safe havens like Londolozi and other admirable nature reserves in Africa. And a sustainable tourism industry that is certainly also very important to help protect them.
Thanks for the interesting blog!

We truly are connected in this world. Thanks for the reminder Robyn.

Robin you summed the ecosystem up so that one and all can understand and learn from your story. I love elephants even more now that you have explained how they break down the older trees to cultivating the ecosystem. Each animal has its role in playing its part.

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A very interesting and well written article! I learnt a lot!

You could just call it God’s way. Climate change is His too and if we think we can change His plan we are sadly mistaken. We can pollute and kill and damage the environment but the climate is a whole different ball game.

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