Finding a leopard den and the excitement and rewards that may come with it – is unfathomable. There is something incredibly humbling about being in the presence of a mother leopard as she naturally goes about caring for her young, helpless and invariably cute cubs. The privilege to know that one of the most elusive animals in the world trusts us enough to reveal her cubs to us is something that words struggle to do any justice.
As we sit, looking on from a distance, the mother is as calm and collected as can be. The cubs, being viewed for the very first time are still unsure of us and not sure whether to trust us. Any slight movement sends them scurrying back into the safety of a deep rock crevice. But sure enough, with time and patience, their inquisitive nature and with a little prompting from their mother, the fluffy faces reveal themselves. Allowing us a little insight into the undying love a mother has for her young. The entire vehicle is perplexed for the entire time, as the little leopard family goes about their daily business.
But the process is not as simple as just stumbling across a leopard den and having everything work out for you. This often takes time, dedication, and the ability to not let failure bring you down. Which I had to overcome numerous times during the search for the Nhlanguleni Female leopard’s den.
Initially skittish female who transformed into a regular presence. Made history by raising first intact litter since her own generation.
Where to begin?
After returning from leave, I was informed by a few of the rangers that they had recently seen the Nhlanguleni Female with a very loose belly and what looked to be suckle marks. All clear signs that she had most likely given birth to another litter of cubs.
This was brilliant news to be welcomed back by, however, it meant very little as the Nhlanguleni Female can prove to be very challenging to find. A large majority of her time is spent in the Sand River in areas that are inaccessible with a vehicle. When not in the river, the surrounding areas in her territory are tricky to track leopards as the blocks between roads are large and the vegetation is thick.
Wishful Approach
Our only hope of finding her and in turn, the den, was to systematically drive all the roads in the area hoping to find some tracks of her. While driving the roads it was worth also checking all the previous dens that she had used in the past. Leopard mothers often reuse the same dens. This approach was a bit of a gamble but we had very little to go with, so we had no other option apart from searching every nook and cranny in every cluster of boulders or flood debris throughout her territory, which of course we were not going to do.
In three of the most recent sightings of the Nhlanguleni Female, she was very close to camp leading us to believe that she may be denning somewhere nearby. But this was not enough evidence to point us in any particular direction. The density of prime potential den sites within her territory is so high that we wouldn’t even know where to start. Determined to find her and her den we were going to stop at nothing and as with everything in life hard work often pays off.
So each consecutive game drive would see us zig-zagging along every road at a snail’s pace searching for tracks, checking the previously used dens starting with the ones closer to camp first then working further and further afield.
After just under a week of absolutely no sign in the area, motivation dwindling, I found steaming hot tracks walking straight down the road. The catch- it was after sunset and I could only follow them for a short while. Tracks headed in both directions up and down the road. Having a suspicion that she may be denning in the middle channel of the Sand River, Pat Grealy, and I headed out early the next morning to see what we could find. Robbie Ball and Trevor Makakule joined us in our search.
We conceded to the fact that she was denning in the middle channel, with no vehicle access. I would still go through the area every day with the odd chance that she may be around resting on the riverbed for us to see.
Another painful thirteen nights went by with no sign until I followed further tracks to a den that she has previously used nearby. Sitting there with an impaired view of some boulders I suddenly heard what sounded like at least two cubs from within the cluster. We had found the den! But there was absolutely no view of the mother or the cubs. The only evidence I had was this…
With no view of the leopards, I held on to the hope that the mother will at some point get up and leave the den. Well after a long three-hour wait, I’ll tell you, she didn’t leave the den. Heading back to camp, emotions were running high, in one sense elated with the news that she had moved the cubs and we knew where the den was, but in another sense somewhat deflated that we had yet to lay eyes on the cubs.
Five days later, while sitting in the office deep in post-production of some footage, I heard the news that ranger Jess Shillaw had just seen the Nhlanguleni Female carrying a cub to a new den. Pandemonium broke out in the office as I scrambled to get everything ready without wasting any time while shouting to the others in the office,
“Jess has just seen the Nhlanguleni Female moving her cub, I am going! Anyone that is keen to join, we’re leaving RIGHT NOW!”

A view of the den. It doesn’t look like much. But hidden deep within the crevices was a young leopard cub and nearby in the shade was the mother. Very well concealed.
With a pinpoint description from Jess of exactly where to find the new den, I was eager to document the situation and hopefully get some footage of the newest addition to the Sunsetbend Lineage and the Leopards of Londolozi. And boy did we get what we bargained for. It was a particularly warm morning and rapidly approaching midday but we were prepared to endure the heat, meanwhile, in order to seek out some essential shade, the Nhlanguleni Female was making it even more difficult for us to see her and the cub.
Over and above wanting to see this cub, my underlying determination to wait it out stemmed from the belief that there was still another cub left in the old den, that, with a bit of luck and patience, I had a feeling the Nhlanguleni Female would at some point make a mission to go and collect.
Word simply cannot describe the feeling of being able to witness this. The hard work and patience eventually paid off. Something I have learnt over time in this role is to trust your gut instinct and allow yourself to be patient. By simple racing around trying to see many different things, you end up short-changing yourself from what could turn out to be phenomenal sightings. Spending time with animals allows you a glimpse into their lives and what better lives to peak into than a mother leopard and two amazing little leopard cubs.
How marvelous to see her carrying her new little cub. Well done! And thank you for allowing all of us to come along on this exciting find.
Thank you so much, Karen. I am so glad that I could bring you all along on this amazing journey.
WOW, WOW, WOW! I was thrilled to see this video! I CANNOT imagine your excitement at seeing this in person! We have been on safari trips 22 times and only ONE tine were we blessed with seeing a lioness carry her cub while the other cub trotted alongside. NEVER have I seen my favorite animal, the leopard, do this. This brought rears of joy to my eyes. Thank you, Sean Zeederberg and all involved!
Thank you so much, Darlene. It was the most amazing experience and we were just so lucky to be there to witness her carrying the cub.
Fantastic sighting, thank you Sean! Watching the mother leopard moving her cubs is truly amazing.
Thank you so much, William. It was such an incredible thing to witness.
There is nothing more rewarding patients!
What great photos… Thank you for sharing…
Nothing as beautiful as a baby leopard💖
Wishing the new family all the strength they
need to survive
There is nothing as beautiful as a tiny leopard cub. We hope that they survive.
Awesome! Always amazing to see how they carry these little bundles.
It is so interesting to see how the mother carries the young leopards, and how the cubs go limp and allow the mother to move them around.
Great sighting, Sean! fingers crossed for the lineage to carry on with these babies!
Thank you so much, Linda. We are also crossing our fingers that these little cubs survive.
Just wonderful Sean !!!!!!! And congrats to Jess for finding them!!! LOVED the third video!
Thank you so much, Bob and Lucie. I was elated that Jess managed to find them.
Oh Sean, what absolutely beautiful story you gave us today. Patience truly does reward those who practice it and you deserved the prize sighting at the end of Nhlanguleni carrying her second cub to the new den. The slow motion video really highlighted the determination and strength of this mother and I marveled at her ability to carry this little fur ball over that distance with no rest stops – only stopping to re-position her little one.
Seeing new life is always special but more so for these solitary females who only have themselves to care and feed these cubs. Going off to hunt in order to sustain herself and the cubs leaves them vulnerable. At least lions have pride mates who help out, save for the Tsalala female.
Waking up early this morning and seeing your blog has made my day – thank you!
Thank you so much, Denise. It was incredible to see her carry the little one all the way, it was no short distance. I am so glad that this blog has brought you so much joy.
Wow! Amazing how these little ones curl up when being carried. Even the little tail has a curl…….
It is amazing to see how they curl up and go limp allowing their mother to carry them.
Sean I am so excited and so pleased to see that you found the Nhlanguleni females den and what a present surprise to see 2 gorgeous cubs. So so precious and the video’s were building up to the last one where she moves the cubs. There is just something that no one can explain about a mother leopard caring her new cub to another den. Fantastic and astounding footage, thank you so much.
Thank you so much, Valmai. It really was so amazing.
OMGosh OMGosh! How incredible! Thank you for your patience! BTW – the first photo of mom and cub that you took is a wonderful mother’s day gift…you should make it available for purchase! Love it!
Thank you so much, Anita. It is a great image. We will certainly make some of them purchasable.
Absolutely amazing!! As always. I watched the video with the utmost enjoyment. I feel like, it’s my second home, after viewing all your amazing updates, these last few years. Thank again!!!
Thank you so much, Jos. I am so glad that we get to share these updates with you as and when we have them.
Sean, this is the most memorable gift today. Such a touching, sweet, wonderful video of this masterwork of nature carrying her baby and the other miniature peeking… memorable!
Thank you so much, Francesca. It was the most memorable sighting one could ever have.
Finding and watching cubs – lion, leopard and others – is indeed wonderful. The mothers are just so lovely in their care for the little ones.
Seeing any cubs is always amazing. I agree, that the mothers love and care for her young is something to admire.
Awesome job Sean, hopefully she’ll be more accessible and have some luck with this litter! Could you possibly do a quick run-down of her individual litters if possible? I have some up to a certain point but am struggling to locate others as well
Hi Michael, thank you so much. Yes sure, although I am sure there is probably some flaws in our records as it has been so tricky to keep a track of her and her litters.
2015 October- 3 cubs one lost early on the other two made it to about 6 months then also lost.
2017 April- only one cub was viewed for a brief period.
2018 March- Nkuwa and Finfoot Females
2019 December- 2 cubs viewed to the west of the Londolozi camps for a few months then lost.
2020 January- 2 cubs viewed around Mhangeni Double Crossing also lost after a few months.
2020 August- 1 cub was only found when about three months old and presumed to have been born in August.
2022 March- 2 cubs are currently being raised.
Absolutely insane sighting Sean. It triggered a wonderful memory. The first visit that Nick Kleer guided for me we spent every day for an entire week driving by the site of the first den looking for Nhlanguleni cubs! Never did see them…..
Thanks so much, Al. It honestly was such an incredible sighting. I guess sometimes that is the way it goes, we were lucky to be there at the right time, thanks to Jess calling me.
Luckily, we were rewarded later that year when Nanga took us to see newborn Makomsava. Hope you are well.
That must have been amazing. Keeping very well thank you, I hope you are too.
All your hard work paid off Sean…oh my … incredibly exciting to find the den and to have a view of mother carrying the second cub back to the new den!! All the footage and photos are amazing 💕 Especially the last one of the wee cub looking at the camera so intently. Out of this world. A big thank you for sharing this magical moment 🙏🏻
It was so exciting to find the new den and over and above all to see her carrying the cub was so special. I am just so glad that we are able to share these moments with everyone.
That’s incredible Sean, thank you so much – I’ve been looking forward to seeing the last video since the pics appeared in TWIP. As you said, hard work and patience were needed = and luck – but this also shows the value of great team-work and a massive amount of knowledge and experience.
Thank you so much, Suzanne. It was such an amazing experience and it would not have been possible without all of those that you mention, patience, luck and most of all teamwork. If Jess had not found the mother then the search would have continued for a while longer.
In addition to the wonderful images/videos, your storytelling was fantastic. We could sense the anticipation, frustration, and exhiliration as you carried out your patient pursuit.
Again, the slo-mo provides an opportunity to admire the strength and grace of the animal.
Thank you so much, Vin. It was such a frustrating search but at least in the end we found the den and were rewarded hugely.
Thank you for documenting this whole experience so we could follow along. I loved how you described pandemonium breaking out in the office when Jess radioed in that she found them. There couldn’t be a better interruption during a work day.
Thank you, Chelsea. It was sheer chaos, but luckily we got there in time and were rewarded with an amazing sighting.
What an incredible sighting Sean! The team’s hard work certainly paid off. Thank you for this marvellous video. I will replay it often.
Thank you so much, Barbara. It was indeed a phenomenal sighting.
Sean, these videos are so wonderful! The success after such long pain-staking searches make it that much sweeter! The pic of that tiny tiny face and blue eyes peeping out is my favorite! And now, Nhlanguleni is also a grandmother too, to Nkuwa’s new little ones. Bliss!
It certainly was worth the hard work. Yes, she is indeed a grandmother too, which is so exciting.
Absolutely magnificent. Love every minute of it. Thank you for the privilege.
Thank you so much, Patrick. I am glad you enjoyed it.