Involved Leopards

Mashaba 3:3 Female

Mashaba 3:3 Female

Spotted this leopard?
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Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Spotted this leopard?
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White Dam 2:2 Male

White Dam 2:2 Male

Spotted this leopard?
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About the Author

Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on The Week in Pictures #512

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Lovely photos . Thank you for sharing.

Great kickoff to a new month with several of our favorite photo subjects.

Chris, Nick & Sean, You keep raising the bar with your brilliant photography! We look forward to receiving the weekly “best of”. We know the competition must be fierce to get images published! Congrats on another winner!

Hi Sean, what a wonderful surprise the Impala lilies! They are stunning and I see that Londolozi preserve the local vegetation that has been poached elsewhere. Bravo. Love all pictures the list is long, but I’m glad to see the Mashaba female is still alive and kicking. The giraffe at sunset could be used for a romantic set! Also the white Dam male descending the tree is mysterious and hauntingly beautiful. The lion and leopard cubs are adorable, so the little elephant calves. From big males to courful birds it is something to remember!

Another set of wonderful photos! Stand outs for me include; the white headed vulture showing the contrasting blue and orange beak, zebra with mohawk, Nkuma and her mesmerizing look, and the nuzzling young elephants with their half closed eyes. Thanks for sharing…

loving the Ximungwe Female’s eyelashes in the last pic…so pretty!

Great pics in TWIP

Hi Sean, the leopards are all beautiful as usual. The Senegal bush male is still looking grumpy and I love the foto of the Ximungwe female cub in the tree staring down at the Senegal bush male. Lions lined up drinking is a stunning foto. The Impala Lilly is so beautiful in full bloom. The seven lion cubs walking in the path with one lioness is so precious. So glad you showed the Mashaba female with a kill, I love her and just want her to be safe and well feed.

As always londolozi bringing very nice updates. good work.
beautiful photos.

Nick and Chris you have certainly excelled in the photos you have chosen for this weeks TWIP. Absolutely stunning 🙏🏻👌🏻❤️. What an amazing week of viewing your have had…so envious…but so grateful for you sharing. thanks guys ‼️

TWIP is again one of my favorite group of pictures showing the diverse wildlife at Londolozi. Sean, thanks for sharing these wonderful images.

Great selection of photos Londolozi team! Glad to see the Mashaba Female! Any sign of suckle marks? I know she was suspected of possibly denning cubs somewhere.

Fantastic photos this week Nick and Chris, especially the Ntsevu female + cubs, Ximungwe cub and the two young elephants huddling together. It seems you’ve all experienced amazing sightings in the past couple of months. Oh how I miss Londolozi!!

Thank you. I love the pic with the sunrise and the giraffes, very beautiful!

Digital Tracker

We have been spoilt this week with some exquisite pictures! I absolutely love the lioness with all those gorgeous cubs following behind her, the rhino and the beautiful birds pics. The lions drinking at the waterhole is also amazing, but my fave would have to be the young elephants nuzzling. That is just so beautiful. Thank you guys.

Some beautiful shots Sean and nice to see some birds. Thanks for sharing with us.

Senior Digital Ranger

Always look forward with anticipation to each TWIP. This week is particularly spectacular. Thank you all for sharing.

Wonderful photos,all of them. The lion cubs are,of course, super cute.

The photos are fabulous! Thank you so much everyone. Tried to pick a favourite and can’t do it.

All of these pics are wonderful……but I especially love the lions lined up to drink! One day I want to get that shot in person……

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