About the Author

Chris Taylor


Chris was born and raised in the Kwa-Zulu/Natal Midlands where his family inspired his early passion for the natural world. Exploring Southern Africa as he grew up, this passion was allowed to develop and his curiosity to expand. After high school, Chris spent ...

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on A Golden Scene of Elephants Down By The River

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Such fantastic lighting Chris for this elephant herd at Finfoot crossing. Dark clouds with the sun shining through is magical. Sometimes not what you’re seeking turns out to be a 10+ sighting.

You’re right, Denise. You just never know what will be around the next corner!

Master Tracker

Ah -dignity , something ellies usually have in profusion

Chi’s, What a beautiful experience in more ways than one! The images are dramatic and the “entertainment” was over-the-top! Thanks!

I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Chris, a wonderful story of the elephants told in pictures. A little humor about the young female entering the water so typical of animals as they go about their daily lives. Thanks!

Thanks William. Yes, that young female kept us quite entertained!

Beautiful ominous clouds, gorgeous golden light and a great low angle made that a terrific photographic opportunity and you nailed it … great images!

Thank you, Bob and Lucie! A bit of luck being in the right place at the right time. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

Senior Digital Ranger

Beautiful photos Chris, lovely contrast of the golden light and dark clouds. Have really enjoyed both your bucket lists and these too, thank you .

Thank you Jane. Happy to see that you’ve been following my recent posts, I’m glad you enjoyed them.

Ellie ‘sitting’ is one of my fave photos ever! She might have slipped but she looks posed in the shot!

Hi Chris, an afternoon well spent watching the elephants drinking water, eating and even sliding on their backsides into the water. That must of been fun to see her sliding down into the water. They enjoy water so much, reminds me of children playing in water. Fantastic foto’s and the light and clouds makes it even more spectacular.

Thank you Valmai. They kept us entertained for ages; it was a fantastic sighting.

Beautiful photos!

Really lovely photos in the golden light!

Chris: Great to read your blog this morning. The photos are spectacular! Our hearts are still at Londolozi after a great week with you and Euce. Sam and Mary Jane

Thank you Mary Jane and Sam! Great to hear from you again. Hopefully we see you two back here sooner rather than later. Keep well.

Along with leopards in golden morning light this is one of the best view and pictures set. How nice the female that slid downwards she made me smile

Great, lovely, funny, beautiful are your pictures of elephants, Chris.
Hope for more

Thank you, Christa. I hope you are well.

Fantastic series of photos! Elephant looks like it’s posing for you on the slide!

What a back drop of colour, with the most exquisite soft light for your afternoon with the Eli’s. Magical Chris. Thanks for sharing one of your bucket lists with us ! 🙏🏻❤️

A really nice blog Chris and the pics are excellent. Love the dark clouds with the golden sun on the ellies. I would have liked to be there to see that ellie sliding down on her rear end. I have to admit that the elephants are my favourite – especially the younuns – they are so adorable and amusing. Thanks for sharing with us.

Really lovely pics and article thank you Chris. Love watching ellies but, being a cautious soul, rather from further away than too close! Wendy M

Me again, I am afraid. Have you guys had your first good Spring rains yet? We have had a marvellous beginning to Summer with a really good rain over a couple of days in here Randburg. Wendy

Hi Chris, fantastic light for your shots.
Do you remember the male ostrich that was seen near, the old railroad in August? Was it ever seen again, I haven’t seen any mentions of ostrich and wonder if it became a meal or wandered elsewhere looking for a female.
Good to hear that you are all getting vaccinated at last.

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