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Jess Shillaw

Guest contributor

Jess was born in Kwazulu/Natal but grew up in Cape Town. Having an innate love for all things wild but getting to spend little time in the bush while growing up, she headed straight for the Lowveld after school. She completed a guiding ...

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on What Makes Crocodiles Such Stealthy Hunters?

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These animals are terrifying !!!

A great article on crocodiles. Though they are my least favorite animals (I think they are really creepy), their behavior and tactics are still immensely interesting. Great pictures, too.

Jess, loved the crocodiles 🤗

They remind us that nature is perfect and sometimes doesn’t need to change even in millennium

Reminds me of an old song, “Never smile at a crocodile….” 🙂

During one visit, we spotted a crocodile walking across the causeway. It was a very unusual sight as it was higher on its legs than I would have imagined. Watching them lurking at the causeway is fascinating. Thanks for focusing on a species which doesn’t get much attention!


Fascinating. I take it that the wildebeest did not make it out of that one?

Very scarry predator and with those teeth and strong jaw, is everybody’s nightmare. Nor wander the animals are so weary to go and drink water.

Thanks Jess for another fascinating mini-lecture highlighting the African crocodile. I’ve been one of the lucky guests who have witnessed these crocs hanging out on the downward side of the water flow. I find them extremely prehistoric in addition to rhinos. The in-depth articles you’re all producing are welcome and I look forward to many more.

Have to agree with a few folks here, they are such evil looking characters. I’m certainly not that fond of them. But like everything, they too have a roll and a place in the kingdom. They have certainly earned this, having changed little over millions of years.

I had no idea that the crocodile had such a complex lung system or it’s trap door valve in its throat to be able to do all these things. Totally fascinating.

Senior Digital Ranger

Jess, I got goosebumps as the hairs on my arm stood up on end while reading your chronicling about the Crocodile! That takes some mighty nerve and internal stamina to be able to write about that beast! EEEK! Dare I ask if they charge humans? Ugghh! The last picture of the crocodile (on the blog) looks like something seen in a mote during a Renaissance flick! I don’t know how you captured that! I’m sure you had to have a “Stealth demeanor” in the process! How did you sleep that night?? .. I’m across the pond and I’m in knots from my stomach up to my throat in thought of the creature! Hoy!
I don’t care how much of a conservationist one is, that has got to be a tense moment! You’re one brave lady!

I hadn’t heard about their specialized lungs before – fascinating!

Jess, Thanks for the great technical explanation of how these incredible, ancient animals operate. It’s pretty incredible the way the have the ability to be such stealth hunters and now we understand more of how they do it!

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