About the Author

Dan Hirschowitz


Dan developed his love for the African bush whilst growing up on a family run farm in the Kwa-Zulu Natal midlands. Growing up in the bushveld he was surrounded by wildlife and finds his passion in what nature has to offer. After completing ...

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on Tracking with Freddy

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Lovely experience. The trackers at Londolozi are the best.

We have so enjoyed or experiences with Freddy Ngobeni. Not only is he a fantastic tracker, but he is so wise about life in general as well as being a great father. A great human being!
(We joked about being distant relatives with similar family names.)

Another wonderful tribute to Freddy was written by ranger Callum Gowar immediately prior to his departure from Londolozi in 2017.

Dan, I loved the photos, I especially the like the photos Richard Siwela & Freddy🤗

Thank you for sharing! I’m looking forward to take part one day… trackers are pure gold

Hi Dan, Thank you for sharing this! It must have been very exciting! What a moment!

Being on foot out in the bush is really one of the best experiences in the world

We had an amazing few days with Freddy and Paul in April 19, highlight was Freddy recounting the comings and goings as the water dried up at a large patch of cracked mud that had evidently once been a wallowing spot for all sorts of animals. It was quite amazing what he could see in the dried mud and he told the story of the last water in his beautifully softly spoken way. We can’t wait to be back with you, with thanks for keeping us going with all the photographic and virtual safaris. Best wishes to you all at Londolozi from the UK, Richard and Rachel Potter.

I can’t imagine the excitement of not only finding, but standing on the ground not far from a pride of lions!!! Great blog!

Very interesting to see how you and Freddy found the lions by tracking them and I am sure you both were very excited that you found the whole pride lying in the grass. Your guests must have been very excited to see the whole pride together.

What a thrilling experience, Dan! One you’ll long remember. I tremble putting myself in your shoes!

What a wonderful start to the day!!It is always awesome to be near lions whether asleep or awake.! On our first visit to Londolozi we were driving looking at lion tracks and came upon the 4 male brothers asleep. we stopped and watched and all of a sudden one of the males woke up looked at us strolled to the side of the car. Mu husband was sitting there. Jess said everyone just still, I am not sure if Phil was holding his breath or both after a couple of minutes the lion went back to where the other 3 were still asleep , lay down rolled onto his and went back. It was quite a moment!! Exciting and a bit scary, but Jess and Jeff kept us cool and safe. Thank you Victoria

IF …. a big IF … Freddy and I weren’t married to our respective spouses I would propose to him now now. Sorry we missed our November 2020 visit but looking forward to October 2021. Can’t wait to see Freddy!

Freddy was my tracker when I visited Londolozi in 2017. His skill was amazing. We spent a few hours on foot one day when sightings were slow and Freddy explained in story form what he was seeing in the tracks. Lions were walking then stalking and chasing a Buffalo. The Buffalo was in distress but ultimately the lions gave up the chase. ALL of this was a story Freddy told while looking at tracks I couldn’t see!!

Dan, that kind of experience would send shivers down my back. Did you back up oe turn slowly and walk back?

Hi Bob and Lucie,
For the first few seconds we backed up, then walked slowly back towards the vehicle.

The trackers are unbelievable! Their talents come from knowing their territory and understanding the animals plus lots of intense studies too i am sure! Fascinating!

Beautiful writing about your relationship with Freddy. You’re both fortunate to have such good mates and your guests reap the benefits of that bond.

Great story Dan! Reading Alex’s and Renias’ book “Changing a Leopard’s Spots” and you blog is right on track!!

How do you know that they will not attack you when you are on foot?

What a great experience Dan..perhaps not one I would personally enjoy as I’m sure they would smell the fear oozing out of every pore !

Dan, thanks for the heart-bounding story! Always trust your tracker!

That’s incredible. I haven’t read the blog in ages, but I am glad to be back to these great stories!

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