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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on New Life Under Our Feet

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Amazing. Nature just do its own thing, regardless of who is around. Will be interesting to see the babies in a month or two.

Wonderful pictures, James and a lovely tale of the agama’s efforts.

This is the first time I have ever seen a tree agama, let alone see her laying eggs. What a wonderful sight and as you say James,they only lay a single clutch per year, it was something worthy to see. Thank you for those pictures and insight in the tree agama existence.

James, I saved the eggs🤗

cute…… It would be great if you manage to take pics of them!!!

Will you mark off the site to help insure successful development?

How interesting! Maybe she felt that place was safer for the hatchlings and a possible source of food?

YEESSS. Reptiles. They are such amazing creatures! Thank you so much for documenting this. Being on a pathway, would the ground not become too hard packed for the babies to be able to dig their way out?

Senior Digital Ranger

Lizards . . . life . . . Londolozi. A bit of a paraphrase from Karen Blixen: “You know you are truly alive when you live (vicariously) in Africa (and Londolozi).”

will wait for a report on the babies in February! Victoria

Senior Digital Ranger

Put a flag or something where her eggs are so no one kills them. I would also hope your always carefully about where you step, really care full about where u drive because of hidden cubs. I’ve seen video some drive so fast you’d never be able to stop for a hidden cubs. I actually seen a cheetah cub get killed this way. Please be careful there lives are way more important than your video or pay check.

James, This will fun to watch! Hope you get to see them hatching!

James, thanks for the information and images, documenting the egg laying of this little lizard. This just proves looking up, down and all around can yield a gift from nature.

I once watched a painted turtle lay eggs in a bank and it was a similar experience. I hope you spy the hatchlings when the times comes!

Fantastic luck to witness this. Thank you for sharing.

Fascinating! Thanks, James for sharing. Looking forward to mid February!

Thank you, James! A very interesting blog on a small and very interesting little lizard! Thank you very much. Wendy M

Hi James, Thank you for your blog about the agama. Very interesting!

So cool that you got to witness and capture this agama lizard laying and burying her eggs. Looking forward to a follow up post!

That is so amazing! Can’t believe she stayed on the main path. Hope we get to see some baby lizards in February!

Gosh what a great thing to witness! Hopefully there will b a follow-up when the little ones appear in month or so 😉🙏❤️

More new info for me and will excited to see baby lizards in a few months. Your images were great and told the story. We are all staying tuned!!

You’re always saying that animals and people are connected. Perhaps this agama sensed that it was safer for her to nest near people than in close proximity to various predators. Perhaps animals can also feel the positive energy of the people who protect them 🦎

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