Over the years I have been asked all sorts of questions about the inhabitants of the African bush by guests. Sometimes the very best questions (also the most difficult to answer) are asked by children. Whether it was a youngster asking the name of an obscure flower or who would win in a fight, I have regularly found myself stumped. More often than not, the answers to many of these poignant questions can be found by spending time out in the bush. So, last week when as we watched a pack of African wild dogs trotting up to a lone male wildebeest on the Londolozi airstrip, I knew that I might be about to find out who would win in a fight between a pack of wild dogs and a wildebeest.

Three members of the pack play excitedly. It is a ritual among wild dogs to greet and play with each other before embarking on their hunting expedition.

One of the senior pack members waits for the rest of the pack to join him on the hunt. This particular wild dog had spotted a male wildebeest standing on the airstrip a few hundred metres away.

Although flustered originally, the wildebeest regained his composure and charged back at his attackers.
We were treated to an amazing view of two iconic African animals wide out in the open with an equally eye-catching backdrop.

As the wild dogs passed us, they paused momentarily to scan what was up ahead. A minute later they disappeared into the thicket.
As it turned out, the wildebeest ‘won’ the encounter but in reality, the wild dogs were not truly interested in hunting the wildebeest. Wild dogs in this area prefer to prey predominantly on impala and although they may attempt to catch a wildebeest calf or an adult on the odd occasion, the adult wildebeests are usually a bit too much of a handful for the wild dogs. Either way, it was a truly unique sighting and the wildebeest gets to fight another day.
Kudos for thé wildebeest! I don’t know why they are considered ugly. They aren’t! I watched documentaries on zebra and after hyenas and lions wild dogs were after them too. Perhaps because they were exhausted after the migration or were they looking for younger animals?
Amazing photos of the wild dogs running down the airstrip. Great sighting.
That was an amazing story. I held my breath as I thought the lone wildebeest would become zero wildebeest. Go wildebeest! Lives to see another day …
If you haven’t heard it already, ask Tracker Sersant about his wildebeest vs. lion story!
Nick, Great to see your post! What a great view you had of the wild dogs. At first we were afraid for the Wildebeest, but he is so much bigger than the dogs. Good for him! Do you ever see herds of wildebeest like you sometimes have Cape Buffalo?
On the Serengetti they often hunt wildebeest, many years I was privileged to watch Jonathan Scott do a presentation on the painted wolves. His photos won Wildlife Photographer Of The Year.
Wildebeest are a common prey, and the first time I saw wild dogs they had killed a wildebeest and been driven off by lions . The wildebeest was neatly disemboweled
Hi Ian, that must have been an incredible sighting. You are correct, in east Africa wild dogs do hunt wildebeest but it is not very common in the Kruger area due to the wide availability of smaller antelope.
Nick, I saved the wild dogs got sick of wildebeest
Viewing the Great Migration in Tanzania was a once in a lifetime experience!
We did see an encounter between a group of wild dogs and wildebeests. Lots of noise and an occasional flash of bravado as each semi-charged the other. It made for some great video!
What an exciting encounter. Amazing that the wildebeest stayed so calm and didn’t rush off.
Surprising with so many Wild Dogs they couldn’t have a go at it. I guess it’s not worth risking injury or death with a much larger animal. Love those Dogs!
You can watch theFast Five kill wildebeest if you like such sort of video
That was fascinating! Even though the wildebeest was too much for the pack of wild dogs, you have to give them props for giving it a go! All’s well that ends well, at least for the moment!
Amazing sighting!!!
Must have been fun to watch! Have to say I am glad the wildebeest survived to fight another!! Thank you always fun to see the wild dogs I. action. Victoria
A definite win for the wildebeest. Amazing photography Nick and interesting story. I must say I thought the poor wildebeest was doomed and scanned the photographs to see the outcome before I read the commentary. Hate to see the underdog lose.
I think that “who would win” between predators and prey depends also on prey availability and “culture”. For example there is a video on YouTube showing a pack of wild dogs taking down an adult zebra, but in Kruger I don’t think things like that commonly occur. Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p1naUexS_E
Hi Gabriele, that is exactly right. Wild dogs in the southern Kruger catch wildebeest on the odd occasion but impala make up at least 70% of their diet.
Hi Nick – do you know abou the Fast Five? I wrote an excellent report by experts that have followed them since their birth. Its amazing and go beyond all what biologists knew about cheetah behaviour. As an ethologist I am so interested in seeing how animals – predators and prey- adapt their behaviour to natural changes- or, better, chances…
Sorry I wrote “wrote ” but I meant read…
I love that pic of wildebeest seemingly trotting along with wild Dog. Such savior-faire!
Interesting article, Nick! And good pics to go with it. Now you know the answer about a Wildebeest and a pack of Wild Dogs! Impala is much more their size. Thanks, Nick. Wendy M
An unusual but exciting afternoon Nick. Just loved the black and white photo of the Wild dogs and wildebeest with that stunning back drop

Wow! What extraordinary pictures!!!
Hi Nick
So glad to see you back at Londolozi!
This may be dumb question, but what happens if an event like you witnessed is occurring when a plane is on final approach to land at the airstrip? Do the animals scatter?