Involved Leopards

Inyathini 3:3 Male

Inyathini 3:3 Male

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About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Has the Inyathini Male Gone From Londolozi Forever?

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It is always sad to hear about the demise of a leopard. A fitting tribute.

James, I loved the blog today, Inyathini leopards🤗!

A lovely piece and tribute to a beautiful male Leopard. Possibly gone but remembered.

What a gorgeous male leopard. .. fully wild in his leopardity. Glad he lived his life to the fullest and his skin doesn’t belong to a trophy hunter!

Thoughtful tribute , James. I first saw him in the early days, snarling at our vehicle from the middle of a thicket! But years later he was the first mating leopard I’d ever seen, he and Mashaba ensuring a next generation. He was distinctive in appearance, will be long remembered.

Beautifully written, James.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks for the update! He will be missed. I’ll never forget the pics of the interaction between him and the cub.

Sadness……very hard to see a beautiful vibrant cat fade away and disappear…..Farewell, Inyathini.

Such a beautiful male! May he RIP!

Jamo the word anthropomorphism springs to mind that I first heard from you, in fact have only ever heard from you. You’ve come up with some whoppers in my time at Londoz but that left a mark. It’s great to know these cats as more than just lions or leopards even if it does get emotional from time to time.

It would be sad if it has gone forever but hopefully it will find an good new home

What a lovely eulogy to the moving on of Inyathin, if I may put it that way because he may still be lurking in the bushes somewhere close by…

Well, if he is gone forever, he certainly won’t be forgotten for his stature, his unpredictability and progeny. The last photo you posted here in this blog looks just like his son, the Tortoise Pan whom I photographed 1.5 years ago. Thanx for the update!

Senior Digital Ranger

That’s so sad it breaks my heart to see them pass in such awful ways, starvation,Hyneas just don’t seem right. Us as humans have the means to make these senior cats death a little more bearable. I wish more than anything we’d all help, save and protect all our wildlife, world wide. You’ll never see such beauty,such caring, mothering such uniqueness as in our wildlife

Beautifully written story! Thank you!

Senior Digital Ranger

nature always has its way of leaving a bitter sweet but relevant legacy of the unsung heroes of the African wilderness. We ought to salut the fallen heroes bcz they left their contributions to help future generations enjoy sightings of leopard and diverse otha species

Beautiful remembrance and tribute to this magnificent leopard James!!

Senior Digital Ranger

That’s a great story and a fitting tribute Thank you.

Thank you for your beautiful and respectful tribute to the Inyathini male leopard, he obviously earned his place in your experience of these amazing animals.

Thanks James. Fitting tribute. I have many wonderful memories of the Inyathini male.

Digital Tracker

Beautifully written James.

Senior Digital Ranger

Born to be wild… what a privilege to have the memories ♥️

Senior Digital Ranger

As much as your blog for the day is fluid and filled will pleasant smiles about the Inyathini male,.. at the very end James, my heart sunk upon seeing his “elderly resting position,” whilst your final comment about him, has left me with a well of tears. –
The Inyathini male Leopard was indeed a beautiful wild animal, that hopefully is resting peacefully somewhere out in the bush, or beyond.

Thank you for this informative, beautifully written piece. Really enjoy the insights and substantial knowledge of the leopard behaviour.

Digital Ranger

You have a good heart, James. Thanks for your insights and knowledge of the wilderness.

Thank you for your beautiful tribute! I saw him 2017. He was impressive! Big male leopard! He had eaten a big meal and was laying resting beside a tree. I will not forget him.

We had the privilege of seeing the Inyathini male in July 2019 – what a majestic leopard. I fell in love immediately with his distinctive face. Leopards are so beautiful, but his face showed the trials he had been through to maintain his dominance. Thank you for this wonderful tribute to him.

Senior Digital Ranger

Another legend passing into memory.. A heartfelt thank you to Inyathini and all the guides who allowed us to know and follow him throughout his time on Londolozi.

Senior Digital Ranger

Befitting eulogy to a very relevant member of the Londolozi environs.fare thee well lnyathini. salut.Legacy continues. sustainability and longevity for leopard specie contributor

Never say never in nature.

So interesting, James, to hear about a Leopard that we haven’t heard as much about as we have of others. Thank you for a well written article and some lovely pictures of the old boy. He deserves our respect. Wendy M

A beautiful and thoughtful tribute James. It was good to be reminded that we aren’t friends with the big cats. It’s hard to remember that when we get so consumed by their photos and stories. I love following them every day in your blog.

Thanks for the “memories” James. We only have a couple of images of him and clearly he was one cunning leopard to keep us searching for him!

I don’t know if we ever saw this particular leopard during any of our visits, but I am sure you will all miss him.! He was certainly a handsome animal. Victoria

Why this sadness? He is back. Check for the last Mala Mala videos.

Hi Berep,

Thanks yes we have seen him once or twice since then. This was more a speculative post than anything. Thanks for the comments.

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