Involved Leopards

Makomsava 4:4 female

Makomsava 4:4 female

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About the Author

Guy Brunskill

Alumni Ranger

Guy worked as a ranger for Londolozi from 2017 until the end of 2021. He grew up in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal. From a young age he visited the bush each holiday. It was during these early years that his passion and interest was ...

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on Update on the Makomsava Female and Her Cubs

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It is great to see both cubs are doing well.

Welcome to the world little leopard Kings (or Queens)! They are just adorable. Hopefully the Makomsava female will raise them successfully

There is nothing cuter than a leopard cub, what a buzz to see this beautiful family. Sending positive vibes for long and healthy lives. As always Londolozi many thanks for keeping us in the loop.

This is fantastic!!! Really looking forward to hearing more about this family!!

It will be interesting to follow the exploits of this family moving forward.
We had a great opportunity a few years ago to spend a morning watching a leopard cub learn how to climb a tree. Going up was the “easy” part. Getting down was hilarious as the cub could not easily manage it and continued to go higher in the tree, Mother leopard watched from below the tree. When the cub finally figured it out, it went running to its mother.

Love the leopard cubs!!! Terrific photos! What a perfect setup for photography! Wishing this female the best of luck with her first litter.

Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you, Guy.

Guy, loved all the photos🤗

Guy, thank you for bringing us along with you on this sighting so we can enjoy viewing Makomsava and her cubs. I’m longing to be there, but in the meantime, there’s my daily virtual safaris. I understand some properties have re-opened and trust Londolozi will be doing so as well.

Thank you for this informative post with lovely photos!

Senior Digital Ranger

That photo of the mother grooming the cub is spectacular. Wow! What a shot. Any idea as to why younger mothers would be more successful raising their cubs than older ones? I would have thought experience would be a big part of success :/

Hi Johanna,
One would think so, but it might be that with first-time cubs the mother is extra cautious and attentive, whereas in later litters she gets a little more blase…

Senior Digital Ranger

Super photos and info – brought many smiles to our faces.

Guy, great post! How long does it take for their eye color to change and do they have good vision when they are that young?

Hi Guys,
It depends on the cubs, but usually 2-3 months…

They are so cute…. there are just no words! And fabulous fabulous pictures.

Great capture. So precious and since the Mom is relaxed around the vehicles I look forward to more great shots

Beautiful photos guy 🙏💕, they seem so vulnerable at this stage. Let’s hope the two grow up to give new blood and life to Londolozi 🙏.

Very lovely family pics of Mom and baby leopards! Thank you so much, Guy, for the facts about the growth of Leopard cubs, facts which I didn’t know. Mom certainly seems to have chosen a really nice den and of course this is also good for you guys for pics! Keep it up! Wendy M

Hi Guy. Who is the most likely candidate to be the cubs father? Did anyone witness mom mating with different males?

Hi Chris,
Most likely the Flat Rock male..

Senior Digital Ranger

What a heart melter! Absolutely great photos… lucky to be at the right place at the right time… mother looks extremely healthy as do her cubs… what a great way to start my day🥰Thank you….

Senior Digital Ranger

Just precious captures Guy! They truly made the latter of a peaceful Saturday afternoon extra special and filled with joy.
Your sharing is so appreciated!

Hi Guy! Fantastic photos of Makhomsava and her cubs! Two quick questions for you, if you don’t mind:
1. Any update on the Nanga Female and if she still has her cubs since Pete and I believe it was you saw her with suckle marks?
2. Also, I have seen Makomsava spelled Makhomsava and was wondering if there was a correct spelling or if both work?
Thanks a bunch!

Hi Michael,
Guy’s on leave so I’ll answer for him.
We haven’t seen the Nanga female for a few weeks now, but we’re going to be checking that area a bit more closely in this coming week. It’s a difficult decision to go look for. supposed den when there’s already an active one closer to camp!
On the spelling, I’ll have to confirm that. We generally just copy it straight off our map which has been up on the wall for years, but now that you mention it I don’t know if the original map was correctly spelt.
I’ll ask around.
Best regards

Thanks so much James! Best to you too!

Great Pictures Guy. My favorite is the one where the mother is grooming her cub.

Oh my heavens! What a wonderful collection of photos of the baby leopards!! so 😍 Thankyou Victoria

Senior Digital Ranger

Such lovely photos

Pic 2: Makomsava female looks like a carpet on which the little guy plays

Oh my gosh! What fabulous photos! Thank you so much, and for the explanations as well.

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