Involved Leopards

Makomsava 4:4 female

Makomsava 4:4 female

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About the Author

Pete Thorpe

Alumni Ranger

Pete was a Field Guide for Londolozi for 4 years, contributing to the blog as a fantastic writer as well as photographer. Right from his very first bush trip at the age of four, Pete was always enthralled by this environment. Having grown ...

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on Makomsava Female Carries Her Cubs To New Den

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Wow! Amazing sighting.

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh my goodness Peter – what photos. Well done to all of you to find the female and see the cubs! Thank you for sharing …

What great news. Lucky you!

Pete, loved the video🤗! Loved the cub leopards mouth!

Can still recall how incredible it was viewing a cub dangling from it’s mom’s mouth. The balance of power and tenderness was incredible to watch.

Wow! Absolutely stunning sighting! I have seen a lioness carrying her cub once and I remember the thrill of that! So exciting! Thanks for sharing!

Pete, How exciting to see Makomsava with her cub! Was she at Ximpalapala?

Wow what an experience to have!

What luck ! What excitement to see that the Makomsava female has not one but two cubs …and not far from her own ‘birth place’ ! Great news and a great 5 minute close up capture. Thanks Pete and team 🙏💕

Master Tracker


What a magical experience and such a rarity! Felt like I was right there with you. Excellent narrative as well. Thanks so much for cheering up another gloomy day sheltering in place with local fires in addition to the virus. These blogs are priceless. Stay well and safe.

So wonderful to see her with her tiny little spotty one!

What an amazing experience! I’m so jealous, lucky you!

OMG! I’m so excited for Makomsava to have two cubs and for you as well to spot her moving the second one to another den. Loved the video and stills- who wouldn’t?!

Pure gold – what an experience for you! Fingers crossed for her and the cubs.

INCREDIBLE!!!! Thank you for sharing this momentous experience with us Pete!!

Thank you for sharing this. How wonderful to see such very young cubs. Hamba kahle.


Digital Tracker

That’s amazing, so beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing.

Senior Digital Ranger

Truly magical 🙂 looking forward to watching them grow up

Wow what an amazing sighting

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10 April, 2798
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