About the Author

Pete Thorpe

Alumni Ranger

Pete was a Field Guide for Londolozi for 4 years, contributing to the blog as a fantastic writer as well as photographer. Right from his very first bush trip at the age of four, Pete was always enthralled by this environment. Having grown ...

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on The Week in Pictures #453

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Fantastic news about the Makomsava female. Love the ostriches. Stunning pics.

watching fish eagles dive for dinner is always great to watch. good to know that at Londolozi the bush is its normal self. stay savage. thank you! Victoria

Digital Tracker

Absolutely stunning pics! Such a great way to end the week. Absolutely love seeing these beautiful pics and can only imagine what it’s like to be there! Very jelly! 😄

Great reflection shots of the lions and wild dogs at the watering holes!!!

Senior Digital Ranger

Wonderful news – thank you for sharing. You must all be so excited … as are we, your readers!

Pete and team, Great news about Makomsava female and her cubs! Sounds like they are in a very safe spot and we look forward to seeing them soon. Gorgeous images of lions – great shot from Sean where they are all looking your way!

Senior Digital Ranger

Love the photos today – especially the close-ups and the reflections. Thank you.

Lovely shots this week! Loved the close ups, the Lions drinking and the content Hippos!

Great TWIP, Pete. Fingers crossed for Makomsava’s litter, what’s your guess for who is the father?

Hi Suzanne,

We put out a blog on the discovery of the Makomsava female’s den on Saturday outlining a lot more detail if you’re interested. We believe the father is the Flat Rock male. We saw them mating a few months ago and her den is right in his territory too.

Fabulous pictures! Can’t decide which is my fav, the Eli or the amazing reflection. Hoping to see the Makomsava cub featured in your next week of pictures 🤞🙏🏻💕

Great photos again–fitting since Aug. 19 was World Photography Day!
World Photography Day, also known as World Photo Day, is celebrated on August 19. It is a community focused global celebration of photography launched in 2009 by Australian photographer Korske Ara. The date of August 19 was chosen to commemorate the invention of the daguerreotype process, which was the first publicly announced photographic process.

First litter for the Makomsava female is happy news! Looking forward to seeing the new little fluff balls. There are some amazing photos this week including the ostrich at sunset, the black stork against the blue sky and the Ntsevu youngsters drinking at the Pan. The post is a nice beginning to the weekend.

Pete, wonderful blog today, I loved all the photos🤗

A nice blog Pete. Some really nice pics of the wildlife. You really lucked out with the drinking lions, plus some nice shots of the giraffe snout and ellie trunk. Thanks for sharing with us. Take care, be well and stay safe all at Londolozi.

Wonderful pictures; the ostrich in front of the setting sun is fantastic.

Cannot wait to see Makhomsava’s cubbies! When are you going to add her to your leopard cards? We saw her last year in July 2019, and I would love to add her to my leopard list! (Also Nkuwa and Finfoot too!)

Pete, thank you so much for your beautiful pictures and explanations. One of these days I will return to Londolozi. Had such an amazing trip there.

Senior Digital Ranger

What wonderful news about the Makomsava female (Mama) giving birth! .. Likewise, I find it quite “comical” to hear how the Ntsevu lioness belted out her growl, .. thus familiar amidst life with “Domesticated felines” when they don’t like their territory being interrupted.
As usual, you boys do AMAZING photo journaling that makes each and everyday something to look forward to as “first thing priority to start off of the day,” by visiting the Londolozi Blog.

Another amazing set of images!

Interesting week! Thanks for sharing!

Soooo excited about the Makomsava cubs. I managed to be there when the Makomsava first emerged from her den. I feel like a grandfather!

Senior Digital Ranger

Love the black stork image in particular. Yes, it’s great to shoot birds against a plain background to really bring out their colors and features.

Thank you stunning pics

Senior Digital Ranger

Great week in pictures, thank you!

Terrific week of images!! Thanks all!!

Hi Sean and Pete, great selection of photos and definitely some interesting times ahead for the Ntsevu Pride. Could you please confirm the sex ratio for all 14 youngsters, please? If the young sub-adults were to break away, where do you anticipate they could settle on Londolozi?

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