Those of you who follow our virtual safaris might have seen one of our recent stories documenting a couple of hours at waterhole, in which a large herd of buffalos as well as assorted other herbivores came down to drink in the late morning.
The culmination of the sighting was a big buffalo bull wandering past with a snapped horn, sustained in a fight with another bull.

Buffalo bulls will fight for mating rights within a herd. The two pictured were only sparring gently, but conflicts like this can escalate dramatically.
Whilst sitting with the bulk of the herd at the water itself, the sound of clashing horns was very evident from a couple of hundred metres away, and the dust was visible where two bulls were clearly fighting it out. The noise died down quite quickly though, else we would probably have driven over to investigate.
Fast forward a few minutes, and a solitary bul lcame walking past the Land Rover. We could clearly see blood on his neck and boss (the part where the horns join in the middle of his head), but it was only when zooming in with a telephoto lens that we saw the real situation:
His left horn had been snapped clean off, and a jet of blood was spraying in a continuous stream for well over a foot. The photo above doesn’t actually do justice to how powerful a jet of blood it was; he was moving his head here so the stream is broken into droplets, but for the most part it was unbroken. It was amazing to me just how much blood there actually IS in a buffalo’s horns, but I suppose its not surprising as it is live bone in the core, which has to be maintained by a healthy blood supply.
I have seen a number of violent buffalo clashes before, and many buffalo bulls with stumps where their horns would have been, but this was the first time I have seen the immediate aftermath of a snapped horn.

Snapped horns are not the only danger for sparring buffalos. A gouged out eye is a very real possibility.
The good news for the bull is that although his chances of securing mating rights might have taken a knock, the wound is very unlikely to prove fatal. The horn will almost certainly form a smooth stump, and apart from a slightly lopsided appearance, he’ll be none the worse for wear, although his ear on the same side looked like it had taken rather a hammering too.
This particular herd has been fairly localised in their movements of late, but I haven’t been down to look for them since this incident. Next time I go I’ll be sure to look for this particular male as it’ll be fascinating to record the rate at which his stump heals over.
Oh James what a sighting! Could a buffalo bleed to death with a wound like that? It certainly looks very sore & scary that a big bull could come off looking that bad! Thanks for sharing
I have watched the Instagram story this morning. Amazing sighting to see two buffalo bulls fight. The broken horn look terrible. I did not know that the horns are actually full of blood. It will be interesting to see how it has healed.
What an incredible photo James! Silly question, but do the horns grow back or will this Bull now not be able to fight anymore? … can just imagine the headache this poor guy is experiencing 😆
Hi James how much can a buffalo bleed before collapsing? I hope this is not the case and this male will recover. His expression clearly shows the pain he ensures. What a fight it must have been! Just terrifying.
Wow, that is amazing! The strength it takes to do this tells you how tough these animals are! Thanks for sharing!
WOW James, we had no idea that the horns were structured like that. We’ve seen Buffaloes go at it before and you’re right – lots of damage can be done. Usually just in competition to get attention from a potential mate!
Wow! Who knew that a buffalo’s horn was such living tissue!
It really does look horrible enough. Poor bull! However, I am glad that he will probably survive this certainly very painful wound and fight. I did not know that horns are also full of blood vessels.
What always amazes me is that in the wild practically all the male animals have to fight more or less continually for supremacy. Food for thought.
James, wonderful blog today, he lost his left horn😟!
What a sight! I didn’t know that the horns contain blood – nerves too?
What’s also amazing is how many “firsts” you and the other rangers have experienced during this lockdown! Pangolins, otters, wild dog pups, buffalo fight, stuck honey badger and more – all due to more bush time? Coincidence?
The photo is pretty gory to say the least. Incredible that they have that much blood feeding the horn ! Lucky he didn’t loose an eye as well. Look forward to seeing his recovery. Thanks James 🙏🏻💕
Goodness James, having just watched the Instagram video at the water hole which was visual candy, this morning’s blog is the show stopper! Your images are superb- especially the one of the blood stream spouting from the injured area. I had no idea there were large blood vessels at the junction of the boss and the horn. It will be a good follow up story.
Oh what a terrible sight. The pain must be excruciating! Really glad to know it will heal. Now he will be like the one eared wild dog… by the way… any news on that front? Miss them☹️
Oh the poor thing! I had no idea those where full of blood – but it makes sense now that you explain it. Amazing they can be so resilient – that would send us humans down and out, and he probably kept on grazing.
Eeeeeyouch! Would have been one to watch!
Wow that’s incredible! So much blood! Hope he makes a speedy recovery.
What an amazing sighting! It’s an * on the story but the wound has also attracted a rare yellow-billed oxpecker, which in the southern Kruger are apparently found exclusively on buffalo herds. There’s a researcher tracking sightings who would likely be interested … the oxpecker may do its best to keep the wound open for easy feeding!
The injury on that Buffalo looks awful. It is amazing though how Nature does heal itself. I look forward to further comments about this Buffalo and hope to see a pic of him with his injuries healed! Wendy M
Ouch! and most people think finding a mate in the city is hard work, poor guy 😉
Gracious! He looks like he is seriously hurt! Hope he recovers from his wound and loss of blood. Victoria
Wow! I watched the Instagram video – incredible to see bulls battle. Wishing this guy all the best as his horn, and his pride heal!
Thank you
That poor bull will surely have a really bad headache along with his broken horn and injured ear. I guess this is nature and thet all have to test their “manhood” to earn mating rights, however not the most pleasant way to lose – this time. Thanks for sharing with us. Take care, be well and stay safe all of you.
As gory the pic may seem , nature succession war games persist in such a way that mating rights have solely to be earned by testosterone fuelled duels.Horns are fused to skull.intrestng to note that horn breaks result in blood bleeding.I had always thought horns had no connection with blood flow