Monkeys alarming way in the distance got us on track late one afternoon. It was the sound of hyenas fighting that gave us even better direction. Finally we found the scene playing out along the banks of the Maxabene riverbed. Four wild dog were busy crunching on the remains of something indistinguishable while a clan of three or four hyena were lurking behind bushes nearby.

A very bloody face tells a story. One of the four wild dogs panting heavily having just finished a good portion of meat.
“There’s a leopard!” Greg Pingo shouted in excitement. I couldn’t quite believe it. Not even fifteen metres behind us in a rather flimsy looking branch was the Senegal Bush male. He was perched looking down on the action unfolding below, albeit probably not quite as excitedly as we were.

The Senegal Bush male looks down from above. A male leopard of his weight would not choose to climb a tree like this one unless he is forced to do so.
The sound of footsteps erupted around us as two more hyena came running in to try and get their share of the feast. Cackling, laughing and growling noises echoed down the riverbed as the hyena and the wild dogs faced up against each other in a clash. All the while above us, vultures perched on a dead tree and two eagles grappled talons in dispute. Action was unfolding all around us!

A tawny eagle (above) and a white-backed vulture (below) sit patiently on a dead tree, hoping that they too may grab some scraps.
Part of the excitement of a situation like this is piecing together the evidence to try and work out what may have happened prior to us arriving there. Based on the monkey alarm calls that we heard, we assume a leopard made a kill along the thicket lining the dry riverbed. The pack of four wild dog were possibly hunting nearby and may have been drawn in by the commotion. With the sight of four dogs approaching, the leopard would have dropped the kill and leapt into the closest tree to get away from the dogs. When feeding, dogs can make quite a racket – an array of twittering and chirping noises. This is music to hyenas’ ears, thus they would have been attracted in by the combination of monkey alarms and dog feeding noise. We’ll never quite know exactly what happened, but this is one likely scenario…

Once the dogs had their fill, hyenas came in to finish off the last little bits and pieces left in the long grass.
It all ended rather peacefully for the parties involved. The dogs walked off, completely ignoring the marauding hyenas as they went. The hyenas came in to where the carcass was and sniffed about for anything they could get. Eventually the male leopard descended the tree, somewhat clumsily, to scurry away from all the others into the night. His territorial rasping calls echoed down the riverbed behind us as he went.
Pete, loved the video🤗
Leopards will face more difficulties now with both hyenas and wild dogs around feasting – their great adaptability surely helps them none the less. I’m amazed at the grace and power of the Senegal Bush male!
Exactly Francesca – if leopard did not have the ability to climb, they would definitely not be able to compete with the other large carnivores out here…
Amazing sighting. Great video.
Crazy descent by the leopard!
Very cool, carnivores interacting is always an exciting scene!
Peter, that was such an exciting piece – and what a scenario. I was there with you and feeling the tension. Thank you for the story and the photos. Quite made my afternoon as I trudged the boring streets of my part of Surrey to try and do the daily 10,000 steps!
Hi Linda,
I’m glad we could lighten up your daily walk. A little secret from the bush is that bouncing around in the Land Rover can up your step count… Hopefully we will see you out here again soon!
Great Post Pete. Right in the action
What an exciting afternoon and evening. Poor leopard! He did all the work and lost his dinner. Great photos of the dogs and the leopard on that tree.
Thrilling action! So, these are members of yet another wild dog pack? And that poor treed leopard – it’s no wonder he waited til after dark to execute that less-than-graceful descent!
Hi Mary Beth,
Yes there has been a pack of five dogs that we have been seeing from time to time. We aren’t too sure of their history but it’s been fantastic having so much wild dog activity at the moment.
Thanks for sharing Pete, I could hear all of the different animal voices in my head as I wished I were there for the same experience, jealous!
A nice blog Pete. You all had an exciting drive for sure. It is really amazing to witness the pecking order of a kill. There is literally nothing left after they have all taken their share. Thanks for sharing with us. Be well and stay safe all of you.
That was quite a sighting, including the video. I felt sorry for the Senegal male, losing his meal to the dogs and then being chased up a less than desirable tree. His descent certainly wasn’t textbook perfect. Never a dull moment in the bush!!
Wow absolutely amazing sightings nature is just awesome.
What a crazy convergence and fortunate coincidence for you Pete! Great shots and footage. Thanks so much!
Thanks for a great update! What a tense sighting with 4 different animals all looking for the same thing! You are probably right about the scenario…
Nature many a time presents scenarios which display the individual or cohesive advantages that are brought about when foes clash driven by the urge to satisfy their dietary requirements
Senegal male was intelligent enough to realise that he had no chance against his nemesis.As such taking a high ranking front row seat to be a state witness as hyena & wild dog duelled to claim ownership of the carcass.
on paper spotted hyena are rated as the most intelligent apex predators but the wild dog rank as africas number 1 succesful hitmen of the wilderness.