About the Author

Duncan MacLarty

General Manager

Duncan is the general manager of Londolozi Game Reserve. His first exposure to the reserve came when he met Bronwyn and Boyd Varty at kindergarten, aged 5, and was invited to visit by their parents Dave and Shan. He eventually returned in a ...

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on What is/are the Differences Between the Sabi Sand Reserve and The Kruger National Park

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Duncan, wonderful blog today🤗

Duncan, thank you for explanation of the difference between Krueger and Sabi camps. We were fortunate that our travel sent us to you and we have never looked back. But I never realized exactly Londolozi is. We have visited you at least 6 times and each time we are ina new area we have never seen before. When our ranger says what do you want to see today, we can say and do let’s just go see who is out there. Victoire

Great article Duncan. Really useful, no matter whether this is your first safari or whether you are a regular to The Bush

Duncan, We tell people that Lodolozi is the real experience they are looking for. A magical place indeed

Thank you Bruce. This has given us a far greater understanding of where we were in September! We have a great advisor who has Londolozi as her favorite place on earth. We followed her advice and were certainly not disappointed. Your map has clarified a lot, so thanks again.

Master Tracker

And you don’t have to put up with drivers harassing wildlife or driving with no consideration

This is the perfect blog to answer those questions most all first timers have on where to go on safari. I’ve only visited two places where off- road driving was not permitted and ultimately it was quite disappointing when even binoculars made for difficult viewing. A couple of times I was fortunate when the driver ( no tracker) went off road so we could witness a special event – one case viewing an elephant birth! So in short when friends ask my opinion about Safari destinations in South Africa, Sabi Sand is my recommendation. Now after one stay at Londolozi, I’m hooked!!

Duncan, You hit it right on the nose! We have travelled all over the African continent as you know. We can honestly say that there is no better (or more intimate) wildlife experience anywhere on the continent than at Londolozi and Sabi Sands!

With all the many possibilities in South Africa, I’m very glad I chose Londolozi. That experience practically changed my life.

A really informative blog Duncan. I would dearly love to come visit you all at Londolozi, however, I will never have the money to do so. However, I feel that in a way I have been there just by reading the blogs from various staff members and looking at the awesome pictures submitted in the blogs. I am heartened in knowing that all the staff are like family members and that Londolozi is helping the various villagers and children within the bounds of Londolozi. Thank you very much for sharing this with us.

Hi Duncan
Great write up and certainly the points raised are very valid. Even being up here in the North of the Sabi Sand we emphasise these ‘benefits’ to our guests and agents. I really liked your introduction of where we are and how we fit into the greater park structure. I loved the map as it really gives insight into the size of the parks and the extent that our animals are free to roam.

Senior Digital Ranger

As someone who doesn’t work for Londolozi, I concur with every benefit Duncan describes as part of the private reserve vs public park experience. I will also add the following: Many private reserves (Londolozi included) allow a maximum of (3) vehicles per sighting. When a leopard is spotted in The Kruger or East Africa’s Masai Mara and Serengeti, you can assume your vehicle will share the sighting with at least a dozen others, not unlike a bear sighting in Yellowstone for my Yankee brethren that might be reading this. Also, animals like water– not a rumor, but an absolute fact. And while the waterholes scattered across the greater Kruger certainly provide this need, nothing attracts the game like having a major river running through your property, which Londolozi most definitely has in the Sand River.

Many thanks Duncan for your detailed information about the differences. Certainly cleared up a few questions I had. However there is no place like Londolozi!

great idea, think we will visit you tomorrow 😂

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