Involved Leopards

Inyathini 3:3 Male

Inyathini 3:3 Male

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About the Author

Alex Jordan

Alumni Ranger

Born in Cape Town, Alex grew up on a family wine estate in Stellenbosch. Spending much of his young life outdoors, Alex went on many a holiday into Southern Africa’s national parks and wild areas. After finishing high school, he completed a number ...

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on The Fascinating Dynamics of Two Non-Territorial Male Leopards

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This is interesting. It is then only when they reach sexual maturity and a female is involved that the will challenge the dominant male in the area?

That’s really interesting, Alex. Apart from the age difference, the Ndzanzeni young male did seem to hang around with his mother for a long time; as you say, could this also have contributed to his larger size? I’m fascinated to see how this turns out.

I love reading about leopards and can’t wait for the day that I take my first leopard photo.

Really fascinating!! Please keep us updated. It is these stories that keep me going!

I tend to agree with your final premise; that these younger ones understood they had more to lose than gain with a violent confrontation. This was a rare observation, indeed.

A fascinating take on two young, independent leopards. The Ndzanzeni male is a big boy and perhaps is somewhat intimidating to the Tatowa male….. or maybe because neither owns a territory they are more tolerant of each other. Animal behavior is worth studying whether scientifically or by regular observation by trackers and rangers. Looking forward to your next report.

Fascinating thanks Alex

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