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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on A Superb Run of Sightings: Part 4

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Had the exact same experience on the first full day of our first visit to Londolozi. I could not believe what we were seeing as we watched the cheetah carefully stalk an impala and then turned it directly at our vehicle. It took it down less than 20 yards from us. As in the current instance, it got its 2 cubs to finish the act, with each carefully taking turns to watch for scavengers. It was a life-changing experience for me–realizing that these events occur daily. We went from being horrified by the blood to understanding the roles that mothers play in the training of their youngsters. I can still hear the sounds of the chase.

Thanks for the story! I wonder if her problems will start when the youngsters will leave her. With only one eye, perhaps it will be difficult to see depth etc., so it will be hard for her to catch prey. Won’t it?

I never cease to be amazed and impressed watching mothers in the wild teach their young survival skills. The video clip of the mother stepping in to finish what her young ones couldn’t, at that point at least, is the perfect example. As they roam the reserve, there continues to be excellent sightings and we all look forward to hopefully watching these young cheetahs grown into full adulthood. Blind eye or not, it’s hard to put a good mother down! (First step son is to get a good grip to the neck) Haha….

“Nature in the raw” is right. While at Londolozi I thought the impala were beautiful animals, but one must never forget they–and most animals–are just part of the natural food chain. These are amazing photos. Thank you.

Digital Ranger

Glad to hear and see that the cheetah family is doing so well. We were at Londolozi in September and saw them a few times over the 6 days that we were there.

Score one for the cheetahs and their hunting success. Certainly looking forward to a sighting of these three later this week.

Hi James. As you say – hard to watch – but from the Cheetah Mom’s point of view – absolutely essential training for her youngsters. We humans are taught “never play with your food!” – but we are not wild life in the Bush trying to survive. Wendy M

Senior Digital Ranger

Awesome story and nice photos.

It is lovely to see that the cheetah family are doing well and surviving.

James, do you know which of the sub-adults is the male and which is the female in the photo above? Am working on putting together ID kits for them. Thanks for any help you may be able to provide

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