Do you ever get that feeling like something’s been sitting in equilibrium for too long, and change is imminent? Not necessarily drastic change, but something has to give soon, or at least shift.
For a while now the number of nomadic groups of lions has almost outnumbered the number of stable prides, which if I’m honest has made things hard to predict. Let’s break Londolozi up into quarters and we’ll run through the lion movements in each area:
Once the stronghold of the Tsalala pride, the only consistency here these days is the single Tsalala lioness who has been focusing her movements in and around the Manylethi riverbed, and moving south to the Sand River on occasion. Since there has been no regular territorial pride for months, the area has seen incursions from the west by the Mhangeni lionesses, and the north and east by both the Nkahuma and Styx prides. Coalition-wise the Birmingham males are rare visitors, and with no pride presenting mating opportunities, one can understand why.
As far as I’m aware it was the Birmingham coalition that fathered the Styx and Nkahuma cubs and sub-adults (I’d love some clarity here if anyone can help), so logically speaking there is no reason why these prides would be reluctant to move in and attempt to establish territory in Londolozi’s north. The Ntsevu pride forced out the Sparta females, so why would adult lions from these two bigger prides not try and move in to claim territory? This is one of the main reasons I mentioned an uneasy equilibrium earlier. That part of the reserve is absolutely primed for a resident pride, and I’m sure that one will establish itself within the year, it’s just hard to say who it will be.
Along with the deep south, this quadrant has been the most unpredictable, with the Mhangeni sub-adults and the Tsalala males popping up regularly but in no discernible pattern, and the Mhangeni females have been moving in and out of the Sand River right up in the top-left corner. This latter pride’s movements have been regularly consistent around the river as a couple of the females are raising new litters of cubs, but they are still spending a lot of time stashing the cubs in the dense palm thickets and reed-beds, so viewing has been tricky.
The Tsalala males as mentioned in a blog a few days ago, are occupying a kind of no-man’s land between the Birmingham males to the east and the Matimba coalition to the west, so it is likely they will continue to operate in this north-south line for some time.

The Tsalala males are around 5 years old, so should be approaching an age at which they can start looking to establish territory for themselves.
The Birmingham males and Ntsevu pride make up 95% of the lion viewing in this section of Londolozi, with the occasional visit by the Tsalala lioness near the Londolozi Camps. During the winter months we have traditionally seen the prides that occupy this quadrant operate mainly around the Sand River where game necessarily congregates during dry times, then move further afield in the summer when water and good grazing is available everywhere. The Sparta pride were well known for doing this, and it seems as thought the Ntsevu female are following in their footsteps.
Much like the west-central quadrant, the South has been unpredictable, with the nomadic groups of lions like the Mhangeni sub-adults being the most often viewed. On the subject of the Mhangeni sub-adults, it seems they have had a couple of run-ins with other lions recently, or at least other predators. A group of only five young males was seen a few days ago sleeping near a waterhole deep in the south, and the day before Ranger Alex Jordan had found a badly injured young male not far away. From an original group of more than 10, it seems that they have either splintered or lost a member every couple of months.
The Ntsevu females patrol the eastern fringes of this quadrant as well, and make regular forays away from the Sand River to roughly mid way across Londolozi.

Where to now? the Mhangeni sub-adults are probably the pride with the biggest question mark next to them at the moment.
As usual it’s a case of more questions than answers, but if it was anything else, things would run the risk of getting stale.
Instead, it’s a constantly stimulating environment, and we’ve never been happier to be left scratching our heads about what these lions are doing than now…
Thank you for the update James. It is quite confusing to try and keep up with the prides and coalitions moving around.
Great insight. Looking forward to watching the TSALA boys do a hostile takeover in the next few years.
I’ve heard of lionesses joining other prides in other parts of Africa. Does that ever happen in that region? I’m wondering if the Tsalala female will be alone the rest of her life or if there’s a possibility she may join another pride.
Hi Chelsea,
It could certainly happen here as well. See my reply to Joanne…
Best regards
Majestic males. I really look forward to this every morning!! (I’m in New York.) Wish I knew which pride we saw during our visit. I do regret not having seen the Tsalala males. We searched, but they alluded us. They are so very beautiful.
It certainly seems to be a fluid situation as the prides move north/south or east/west. I suspect the amount of available food in addition to members of the opposite sex would also be a draw. I’ve taken to worrying about the lone Tsalala lioness- how long can she exist without the support of other females, especially when hunting?
As usual your blog is informative and interesting.
Thank you James for the update. For sure the lion dynamic is undetermined at this time. I am so worried about that lonely little lioness, I hope something positive happens for her soon.
James – thanks for the update and your wonderful photographic blogs!!! Yes I believe that the Birmingham’s are the fathers of the two prides you mentioned (Nkahuma and Styx prides). They are regulars on Safari Live.
Thanks Randall
Hi James. Thank you for the update. What I have to say is that acompanying the lion and leopard dynamics in Londolozi is akin to read a good novel. I follow some Facebook pages where people are concerned that the Mangheni sub-adults had developed mange. Can you confirm this?
Hi Norberto,
I haven’t seen them for a few weeks myself so cannot confirm or deny.
Mange is caused by a mite which I believe most big cats carry to a certain degree anyway; the extent to which it establishes itself is generally dependant on the animal’s general condition. Since the Mhangeni subs have been struggling for awhile (lack of food, stressed etc.) it certainly wouldn’t be difficult to presume that the mites would be able to take better hold.
We have seen minor cases displaying in healthy leopard cubs before, which have healed very quickly, so I wouldn’t stress too much. I think the other dangers the pride is facing are probably more immediately threatening to their well-being, and should they make it out of the woods we would hopefully see an improvement in their general condition.
I know that stressed lions in poor condition often take on a scruffy appearance, and scars from fighting and tufts of missing fur can certainly look like mange, but I haven’t heard any of the Londolozi rangers reporting a case.
Best regards.
Nothing to do James, but wait with patience. It will be exciting when things do shift! Meanwhile, I remain concerned about the Tsalala female wandering around alone. I know she hunts and still appears well, but this seemingly can’t go on and on. So tell me James, would other females allow her in or a male pride include her for mating? Or is the general tendency to kill her? I fully realize that no one can really predict animal behavior, but surely there is a tendency. I’m hoping you’ll answer although I’m sure you’ve been asked a million times already! 🙂
Hi Joanne,
It in’t unheard of for lion prides allowing new members in, but it is totally circumstance dependent and there are multiple factors invovled. Age of the individual, size of the pride, whether they have cubs or not, etc… Ultimately I imagine the benefit of having an extra lioness in the pride would have to outweigh the potential costs for it to happen.
When she goes into oestrus she will likely want to seek out a male(s), which will most likely bring her into closer proximity with other prides, and for the life of me I can’t say what their reactions to her would be. Most likely hostile, which is why an unestablished pride like the Mhangeni sub-adults would be her best bet…
Best regards
You are correct the Nkuhuma and Styx cubs are indeed Birmingham boys offspring. Thank you so much for the blog! Very interesting times ahead for sure!
Thanks Angie
How old are the Mhangeni subs now James?
Hi Lachlan,
Around two years old or just over.
I believe they were born during Autumn and winter of 2016.
Thanks James for the update do you know what has happened to the Sparta pride? I think they are also known as Eyrfield. I do hope the Tsalala female has offspring.
Thanks for sorting out these lions with lovely photos
Thanks for the update James!! This does help to clear up the territorial dynamics in reltaion to the different parts of the reserve, and it’ll be interesting to see what happens in the North!