About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on The Spirit of Adventure

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How wonderful to have such a life but even more to be considered such a treasured friend that someone would write something so wonderful about you.

James, such a beautiful story – we heard of Pete’s adventures on our last visit and very much enjoyed reading of his continued adventures here. Life has thrown us a dog leg left recently – and it’s in the truly tragic and or unexpected where life is most lived. We continue to work through the ashes, and reading your blog has become part of new life. So inspiring – you can’t know how much your story has helped! I believe in the Londolozi magic!


Well done!! Great that Pete has not been forgotten…. 🙂

Michael & Terri Klauber

Amazing story and amazing man! Thanks for sharing the story and updating us on Pete! What an inspiration!

It’s nice to hear that Pete is doing well and still living a life full of adventures! Hopefully he will be back at Londolozi sometime soon!

Amazing how the spirit of Londolozi can rub off. For those who know Harry Ryan, a blog contributor, touch rugby player and New Year reveler, he is travelling to Zambia and Botswana for 6 weeks this summer as part of a new Pride, the Bhubesi Pride coaching rugby and helping out in various communities to a better way of life. https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/harryryan1


I had the pleasure of meeting Pete at the 2017 Iditarod where we had a very poignant discussion about Salisbury steak. Due to his humble and down to earth nature, I never suspected he had accomplished so much, but I am not surprised in the least as he exuded confidence and wisdom beyond his years. I wish him luck on all his travels!

Hi James,

I met Pete in 2014 when he was doing the race around Diego with “Racing Madagascar” association.
I as well race the world and try to help the community by raising funds.

In this spirit I have set up a place : KiteParadise Madagascar, 20km away from Diego Suarez, were Pete’s race took place.

We use part of our profits to sponsor the local school 🙂

Thanks again to spread Londolozi spirit!

Hi Raph,

Great to hear from you, and thanks so much for the link! Wonderful to hear about your helping of the local school. I remember there being some good wind around Diego Suarez so the kite surfing must be amazing!
Have you done any more races since then? I see that Zandy Mangold, who was one of the main photographers at the Madagascar race, just won the Atacama one.

Hope all well and thanks so much for the update! Any plans to visit Londolozi anytime soon? 😉

Hi James,
I am not myself a racer : only a random guy Hong-Kong who knew Riitta Hanninen, one of the co-organizer of the race, who is an expat in HK like me! Concerning Londolozi it’s on my todo list yes, with some sick rides in Cape Town too 🙂

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