on Nature’s Light

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So good to see that people actually take note of the “little wonders” that are all around us. We tend to want to just see the large animals while God’s creation is also in the smaller and sometimes even more spectacular. Thanks for an interesting article. Greetings to James S.

Wendy MacNicol

Thank you so very much for this most interesting info on little Fireflies! The Lord, our Intelligent Designer of our Creation we so admire, is incredibly artistic, and scientific and just an Amazing Person altogether! He leaves Mankind totally gobsmacked, doesn’t He?? Man tries to copy His designs and so often fails abysmally.

Thanks Shaun, for a very interesting blog on how amazing the smaller creatures are as well, and how important it is to take the time to appreciate these wondrous creatures!


That first shot of the firefly on the lawn is probably the best shot of a firefly I have ever seen. Totally awesome and many thanks for sharing the image. Made my day:)

What a stunning picture of the firefly (the one on top of the page)!!!

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