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Amanda Ritchie

Marketing Manager

Amanda is the Londolozi Marketing Manager & has been in the marketing, advertising & creative industry for 15 years & the health and wellness industry for 9 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Journalism from The University of Cape Town ...

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on The Week In Pictures #252

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Beautifully done.

Thanks for the comment, Jeff!

Yes Amanda, we had the same “problem” during our short stay recently, but then we got back to our home Borrowdale Brooke in Harare and were treated to similar early morning birdsong and the haunting sound of the Fish Eagle-yes in Harare!! but then we didn’t have the chocolate cookies to contend with from you know who!!

Thank you for the comment, John. I’m so glad that the ‘peace’ has followed you home!

Brenda Quatember

Thank you, beautiful photos and such true comments on these amazing animals, so enjoyed!

Master Tracker

Spending time with Elephants is a wonderful thing. One of the best game drives I ever had was with Simon Smit, I was very lucky to be his only guest that day. We stopped very early on in the drive, got out sat on a very large rock and I just sat and enjoyed the silence and the small group of Elephants walking towards us. A totally unremarkable group but they ignored us and we watched them.
Africa just washed over me.

2013…..last game drive before returning home. Talley, Freddy, me the only ones in the vehicle. Watching a breeding herd of elephants. Magic… with Freddy canera in hand… he was able to capture the moments when the herd turned together and walked toward the vehicle srrounding us. A moment I will never forget ( and have the video footage of it.). Back in camp Gogo Mo said it was the elephants saying goodbye to me. I watch the footage frequently.

Beautiful photographs Amanda and your bird images are just stunning!! I loved your post and comments on each picture as well. I would give anything to live and work amongst such beauty each day — it must be so incredible!!

What a great pic of Kev!!!

Senior Digital Ranger

Amanda I know how you feel about elephants! I am/was terrified, then took myself to the Elephant Sanctuary & feel a bit more sure around them, but I have to face that fear when I go to Addo for 2 weeks in December 🙂 Your pictures & captions are beautiful & I think next time you need to record those early morning bird calls for us bloggers sitting in the noise of the suburbs please?

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