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Sean Cresswell

Alumni Ranger

Sean is one of the humblest rangers you are likely to meet. Quietly going about his day, enriching the lives of the many guests he takes out into the bush, it is only when he posts a Week in Pictures or writes an ...

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on Lion Update: A Close Call for the Matimba Coalition

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Matshapiris were around Sand River on MM on feb 8th its almost certainly them that did it then all 5 Birminghams were on Nkorho at that time I checked the reports for both lodges

Hi Blair, yes both Matshipiri males have been in the Sand River for the majority of the year, only leaving its banks for a couple of days at a time. However, they have spent most of their time further downstream (close to 10km downstream) from where the two Matimba males have been territorial; hardly any previous contact between the two coalitions is the result. From where the ginger/blonder male disappeared, it is equal distant to where the Matshipiri males were (on the 8th) and to Nkoro Lodge (in the opposite direction) and northern Mala Mala where three Birmingham males were found on the morning of the 9th, around 5km in either direction. The day before, five Birmingham males were on Nkoro, and all five only reunited on the 10th, again in that region; two were therefore unaccounted for from 8 – 10 February. As there were no confirmed sightings of all Birmingham males or the Matshipiri males over that short time it could have been either coalition moving through the region in question. Whichever it was, it would have been a reach out of their usual movements and into Matimba territory which is what makes it so interesting.

Riviting stuff. Interesting blog Sean.


Hope Ginger will be fine! Majingilanes were on the properties of Singita on Feb 7. Don’t know where they were on Feb 8.


Poor old Ginger Matimba, I hope he recovers well. Seems he can’t keep that injury on his paw closed up for any length of time too !

Diane McGee

Well-written blog and great photos, Sean. Please keep us updated re this beautiful lion’s recovery.

Brian C

Wow! Great blog & comments. Lion warfare is bound to heat up. The Birmingham males have the numbers but they are not always seen together. Matimbas need to stay together for sure.

Digital Ranger

thanks very much Sean for the wonderful blog. seems very interesting times are ahead and similar encounters are inevitable as unfortunately for Matimbas age is not on their side and moreover are in between devil and deep sea in the form of BBs and Masthapiris…keep up the updates please as many like me really look forward for genuine ones….

Thank you Sean, I find the lion dynamics fascinating. Please keep us updated

Amazing blog! So glad Ginger is alive and well. Keep the updates coming!

Jill Grady

Thanks for the lion update Sean. I hope Ginger will recover. With only the two of them, I’m afraid more difficult times are ahead for them.


Sean, thanks for such an exciting update on all the lions, sounds like interesting times ahead.
I do hope ginger heals well, he needs his strength , and certainly needs to stay close for backup.
Look forward to hearing about their future manoeuvres.


what age are all of the coalitions, I know the Matimbas and Majingilanes are around the 12 mark (correct me if I am wrong) and the BBs are around 6-7.

Hi Craig. Yes from as far as we know that is about right. It’s hard to say for sure for the Majingilane because they came from the Kruger but that is definitely the ball park area. Thanks, Amy

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