About the Author

Werner Breedt

Field Guide

Werner guided at Londolozi from 2014-2016, but misses it so much now that he is based down in the Western Cape, that he begged to be able to continue contributing to the blog. Look out for his posts on a wide range of ...

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on On The Hunt With Wild Dogs

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Master Tracker

Saw my first successful Wild Dog hunt on my last day at Londolozi- one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. Excellent driving by Simon Smit that day.

Definitely my favourites too! Their whole (pack) lifestyle has to be admired – working, hunting, looking after the pups …. just amazing.

Hi Frances. That is exactly why they are so successful. If we can take a page out of their books and just work together we would also be able to achieve their success

Hi Ian! Yes! It is unbelievable to witness, and a sighting we should always feel very fortunate to be part of. Simon will be particularly thrilled as this is the first time he has been called an excellent driver! 😉

David Bourceraud

Hi Werner ! Very interesting post (as usual) !!! Always a great moment to see the dogs. I will always remember April last year for a memorable sighting with you. We have also seen a lonely wild dog with Greg last November. I keep the fingers crossed for the next stay this Winter and hope to see you. Keep well !

Richard Allan

Finally got to see first wild dogs at Londolozi in Aug 2014 with Don H and Judas at a den site, interacting with a passing elephant herd and a couple of days later catching a warthog right by the vehice. Great guiding / tracking and hooked on the thrill of wild dogs hunting since.
Have since seen a pack chasing kudu and hartebeest in the Kalhari, taking down a female kudu – wow!

Good morning Richard! I am sure Don gave you some great tips regarding photography! Go check out his most recent photographic journal! Unbelievable. Watching wild dogs hunt, to me, is the best sighting one can ever have! Glad you enjoyed it and hope to see you back soon

Wolfgang & Gabi

Hi Werner, yes this was indeed one of our best wildlife sightings ever. To stay the whole afternoon with the dogs and watch how the scene developed until they started for the kill was awesome. Thanks again!

Wolfgang and Gabi! No problem whatsoever. I hope the memories last a lifetime!

We haven’t been fortunate enough to visit Londolozi but I’m really enjoying the daily Blogs. Our wild dog sightings have been over in Madikwe Game Reserve, on the Botswana border, where they have two packs – one pack this year with ten pups. Long live the painted wolves!

I am really glad you enjoy the blogs Frances! I have heard that the wild dogs in Madikwe are doing really well! This is excellent news because the more we can protect these animals, the more the future generation can enjoy them just as much as we have! I hope you can make it to Londolozi on of these days!


“Turn off the engine and listen” Smart move, that.

Agreed Andrew. Its surprising how much one can miss with the engines noise in the background

Senior Digital Ranger

Indeed, Wild Dogs are amazing, I was fortunate enough to go crashing through the bush and caught up to them after the kill but seconds from it disappearing into their bellies.. What a rush that is to go after these magnificent creatures. We also see them on the Safari Drive quite often and have followed them on hunts successful and not. They are amazing to watch how they surround the prey and run it to ground. It was one of my favorite sightings on that Safari.

Efficiency! This is the perfect description for these painted wolves. They do not waste any unnecessary energy and every single pack member knows what is expected of him/her! The are just magnificent

Hi David! I remember it like yesterday! When the dogs ran around the vehicle in the rain! Was a great sighting! Hope you are keeping well and see you soon!

I love the way you are sometimes putting a video up as an intro to your piece. It is wonderful to open the email and see wild dogs or elephants etc moving. It feels as though I am on the vehicle.

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