Involved Leopards

Dudley Riverbank 5:5 Male

Dudley Riverbank 5:5 Male

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About the Author

Trevor McCall-Peat

Photographic Guide

Trevor joined Londolozi from Balule Game Reserve, and with this head start in guiding, he was up and running in no time as a Londolozi Ranger. Trevor has a unique style in photography, capturing images from fresh angles that most wouldn’t see. This ...

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on 5:5 And The Three Little Pigs

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He’s the man!!!
With Camp Pan gone, he’s one of my favourites now, amazing cat. I read that, after the fight against the Marthly male which left him blind, it took some time for him to adjust, but soon he was again patrolling confidently without fear, just like he always does.
From the reports of Mala mala, the only real feud he has is against the Piva male, but I’m not sure if they have come to blows yet. I’m not aware of any other young male he has battled against.
Thank you Trevor for this piece on Airstrip/ 5:5, this leopard is a real character.


Great sighting Trevor,the Dudley 5:5 male has been sighted several times by your neighbours in Piva’s territory and they had several standoffs.From what I know he doesn’t have any rivals that might pressure him into searching for a new territory.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks Trevor, shame she had a sad homecoming 🙁

She will have more. Have a lovely Tuesday & hope you have some rain


Very interesting. Two years ago at Londolozi we saw an older male leopard that was blind in the other eye. This was very close to the Singita border I believe. Any idea which leopard that was?

Sandriver/Mangheni Male

Richard Frankle

The Big Bad Wolf had nothing on this Guy!

Lizeka Masilela

Pity piglets.

Lizeka Masilela

I pity those piglets, all three at once.

Brian C

Wow! This guy has been a scrappy fighter and survivor. For a male leopard he showed a lot of interest in the raising of the 2 sub-adult daughters of Xidulu (who may or may not be his offspring). This was a really awesome sighting! I wonder if 5:5 will encounter Anderson male on Londolozi… Then again, I don’t wish that on him, he has enough conflict going on with Piva.

Stephen Frankle

Hectic stuff!!! This guy certainly took no prisoners!! Richard, this guy makes the Big Bad Wolf look like a real Softy.

Janet Finan

I am so naive. I wanted you to tell me he put the piglets back in the nest. Not to worry, I will adjust.

Hi Brian,
Do you think that this behaviour could come from his upbringing ( raised by his grandma and staying longer to help her) or True opportunism (having a Female to Hunt with/for him as long as he protects the cubs) ?
Thank you Trevor for the beautiful pictures and article.

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10 April, 2798
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