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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Styx Males Chase Tsalala Pride

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Fascinating lion dynamics. Stunning images. Great video Cameron


Welcome back to the blog Talley Smith.
Fascinating ..please keep us posted.

Talley, Is the old tailless female still around? I am assuming your are talking about the younger tailless female.

James T

Hi Jo Lynne,

Sadly the older Tailless lioness is no longer around, so these days we are referring to her daughter.
The original femle died in 2013. Read Tom Imrie’s account at http://blog.londolozi.com/2013/08/tsalala-grandmother-is-dead/ for the full story.

When are you back for a visit?


Brian C

Great blog! Thanks for these lion updates. The angry salivating young Styx males were truly terrifying. Unfortunately, I don’t think the Tsalalas will be spared whatever violence is coming the next few months— between the Matimbas, Styx, Matshapiri and possibly the Birmingham males. Sad to see the Sparta females reduced in number and the remaining Styx Pride reeling. So far, the Birmingham males remind me a little of the Mapogos–not in a good way (too early to judge but that’s how I feel). The Tsalalas and the other great prides need to rely on all of their resilience and cleverness to survive these tough times.

Jill Grady

Great blog Talley and great pictures and video Mark and Cameron! Tough days ahead for the Tsalala pride I’m afraid. It would be good to see the Majingilane return and take some pressure off of this pride, and the Sparta pride as well. Thanks for the update…please keep us posted.

Tim Kim

the same hope^^, but there will be doubt that Majingis will protect Tsalalas’s and Sparta’s young males or attack them… That’s my worry.

Lizeka Masilela

Looking at the photos above, you don’t want to see what will happen next. Great photos. Thanks.


Terrific blog! I am so glad the Tsalala pride got away unscathed. So much going on right now with the lions around there. I hope the Tailless female doesn’t take too many chances!

Tim Kim

This blog is very exciting^^ I have been reading all about lions, these days I am reading posts in 2012(from present to past,reversely). I need to know the past history about lions on this blog^^ Thanks for sharing this great blog. “Seeing is believing” Please, post as much as possible, more pictures and videos would be better^^ As I read, one of the Matimbas, Ginger has a little wound on his front leg(sometimes limp, unhealed…), that means the coalition of 2 Matimbas have some weakpoint at rivalry in the future( I am sorry for that). I guess Birminghams will take over some prides. Matshapiri males and their sister will be unexpected force, I mean an unexpected rival^^


How is the Sparta Pride holding up? Are there still 4 females-the 3 adult lionesses and 1 sub adult?

Tim Kim

As I know, there are just two females left. I really want to know what happened to the Sparta pride. The three young males are still alive, two are in Sabi sabi area, one is with Mhangheni.

Digital Ranger

How many are these Styx males?It is interesting that the tailless aged female passed on but her daughter who has a tail is still called Tailess!Nice picture of the Styx male foaming at the mouth which is due to exhaustion caused by long panting!

Tim Kim

2 males^^ As I know, the old dead tailess female’s daughter has also lost her tail because of Hyenas.

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