Involved Leopards

Piva 3:2 Male

Piva 3:2 Male

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About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on The Piva Male Leopard: A Great Story Told in Spots

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Great blog Amy the blogs and FB make it alot easier and too follow the stories of these animals whcih is really great.

It is lovely to remember seeing a leopard as a cub, and now see it again as a mature leopard. Great blog Amy.

Jill Grady

Great blog Amy and beautiful images. The Piva male was a gorgeous little cub and has grown into a stunning adult Leopard. It makes me so happy to see these beautiful animals survive to adulthood and go on to thrive and allow us the privilege of being able to spend some time with them.


Great looking boy like his parents

I had the pleasure of being in the company of Jos, Yvette & Rivka last year at Pioneer Camp. Not only were they lovely people, but their knowledge only enhanced my experience. And the expertise of Elmon was invaluable. Because of them, I am returning next year for my 75th birthday

Faascinating story and wonderful to see this young male now as a fully fledged adult. He looks like an amazing leopard.

Senior Digital Ranger

He is a very handsome boy indeed, so cute as a cub. Thanks for sharing this Amy

Beautiful images ! Have enjoyed your daily readings for the past month! Am SO looking forward to arriving on Sunday!

Brian C

Great blog Amy. I really enjoyed seeing the shot of Piva male as cub and then then the shot of an older Piva in a similar pose. I think it is important to keep track of who is related to who. Kudos to the Van Bommels for making the connection. Every leopard has a story.

James T

Great story Ams! I was lucky enough to also see the Piva male when he was a little cub. It’s wonderful going back in time like Jos and Yvette have done!

Mike C

Awesome story! The wealth of knowledge and history is one of the many reasons Londolozi is so special.


A true survivor. May he reign for many years. THanks for the write up.

Bette jamarik

My favorite londolozi leopard – how awesome to see him as a cub ! Thank you. Can’t wait to see him again in May.

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