About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Tsalala Pride vs Buffalo Bull: Round 2

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Incredible sighting. Stunning video. Feel sorry for the buffalo. Can’t wait to hear who the skinny male is.

Mike Ciaccia

Amazing pics and story as always James! Sparta male in last pic?? I have been wondering where he ended up. We saw him walking alone with a pretty nasty gash in his shoulder when we were there end of July. I know his brothers are together in sabi sabi. Our ranger told us he was trying to join mhangeni pride but was unsuccessful, hopefully he has found a home.


Thank you for sharing these fabulous pictures and video. Poor buffalo, but it is nature…Great to know the Tsalala females and sub-adults are doing well.

Regarding to the stranger…A young lion nearby has not been spotted for some while. He is not with his two brothers, either. I sincerely hope that it is him…Really look forward to the upcoming blog, James!

Ezekiel Kihara

Love the suspense, looking forward to the second chapter.
Question; how many members constitute the Tsalala pride apart from the three young males and the two adult lionesses?

Great blog. Ugh cliffhanger! Umm, my first guess on the skinny male would be the one Sparta sub that is sometimes with his brothers and sometimes not. But I hope it’s is not because he does look skinny and a bit mangey. 2nd guess xim.


Thanks James nice write up and pics is the toung Tsalala lioness still around? the one B.B. protected so long, the one the Majingilane harassed relentlessly?

Jil Grady

Great blog James! I feel sorry for the Buffalo as well but it is nature. Hopefully the young male Lion has found a home with the Tsalala pride and will grow stronger. At least he managed to get in there with them for a meal which looks like he badly needs.

Great story. I can’t wait to hear the rest. It is a mountain of meat for this small pride. I wonder if they had to defend it against hyenas or other lions. The young males seem to coming into their own and surely will be a formidable coalition as they grow into adulthood. This small pride capitalized on the fact that this bull was alone. Hopefully they were able to keep it for a few days and enjoy their hard work but that is always another battle to be fought.


Hi, You never did reveal who the extra young male is? NOt the tsalala pride?? Thanks

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