on July: A Roundup of 10 of The Best Images

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Awesome selection of images Kate. Love Mashaba and her cubs and the young Mashaba female descending the Marula with the full moon behind her.

Thank you Marinda, I caught a glimpse of Mashaba and her cubs the other day, it was so special to see them!

Thank you. Each picture makes me smile. Can’t wait to come back next year.

Thank you Arden, I look forward to meeting you next year.

Fantastic photos, especially the Mashaba descending the Marula tree and the 3 bull rhinos with the baby and it’s Mom ! Thank you!

Thank you Laura. Those photos are amazing, I love the baby rhino amongst its elders 🙂

Jill Grady

Great selection of images Kate! I especially love the one with Mashaba and her cubs, and also Mashaba Young female descending the tree with the moon in the background…oh and the little Rhino calf is so great to see…and of course the very beautiful Tamboti! I love them all!

Barbara Lewitt

WOW ! Love these fabulous images…..

Thank you Barbara, very pleased to hear that you enjoyed the selection. Looking forward to seeing what this month has in store for us.

Lizeka Masilela

I can’t believe I’m looking at these awesome pictures. They are fabulous.

Finally had time to look at these photos. AWESOME!! Loved them. The “stare down” is really captivating, as is the leopard & full moon. They are all unique. Thank you!

Thank you so much Kim, they really are awesome. I also love the moon shot 🙂

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