About the Author

Kim Drake

Wine Curator

“When a winemaker gets the wine right, it is pure joy, like sipping a wonderfully painted artwork from the Louvre.” These are the words of Kim Drake, Londolozi’s Procurement Manager turned part-time Sommelier. Kim’s love of wine first started developing in 2010, shortly ...

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on What is a Boma?

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Awesome blog Kim. Great history! Love the bomas. The best dinners. Amazing atmosphere.

Senior Digital Ranger

Amazing, maybe one day I too can share in a boma fire.

Senior Digital Ranger

Wonderful & I hope it continues for many more 90 years 🙂

Love this blog Kim, the boma is such a special place to gather and share stories around a fire…

Prashant verma

I am not understand about boma where the boma use


The word “Boma” also an abbreviation for “British officiers mess area”

Thanks Mr,,,,I have been dealing with historical background of planning laws and I mate with the word BOMA,,,my teacher want full name of this word …so you saved me

Thanks for this! Just reading Cathedral of the Wild and Boyd references the boma!! I searched “boma Londolozi” and your post came up! Perfect!

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