About the Author

Werner Breedt

Field Guide

Werner guided at Londolozi from 2014-2016, but misses it so much now that he is based down in the Western Cape, that he begged to be able to continue contributing to the blog. Look out for his posts on a wide range of ...

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on 3 Answers About Lions That Might Surprise You

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Awesome blog Werner. Interesting facts.


Interesting facts and very well prepared questions. –
and a nice/good answer can be pointed enough to make people think. Those who asked it out of genuine ignorance or lack of socialization will get that education and be better for it.

Thank you for all the facts presented in the Blogs!

Jeff Morris

I would just like to add that yes lions do sleep a lot, but when the vast majority of people view lions, it is in the day, and that is when lions sleep. Nights are a different story.
A very interesting book on Lions written by Christopher McBride,goes a long way to shattering the myth that lions are lazy animals In truth , they are anything but lazy.
In his book he gives an example where a group of tourists had seen lions at sunset resting, and when they returned the next morning the lions were in the same spot, still resting. They commented how lazy they were.
The truth was very different. Those very lions had spent a very active night hunting and had covered about 10 km’s before returning to the very spot.
It’s a wonderful read if you have never read it I would definitely recommend reading it
Thanks for the interesting articles.

Kind Regards

Jeff Morris

So true Jeff! LIons are very far from lazy! The Tsalala pride at Londolozi are well known for walking around even in the middle of the day. Covering vast distances and hunting burns a tremendous amount of energy and like you rightfully said, most of the sleeping is done during the day. Lions are smart enough to realise that walking during daylight hours will just add to the problem!

Jill Geady

Great blog Werner and very interesting. I found the Lions fascinating to watch. When we were at Londolozi last we spent hours with them on a couple of mornings and were surprised at how far they travelled during that time, even with young cubs with them! Definitely moments I will never forget.

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh indeed! there is nothing I love more when in the KNP years ago, what a joy for me to stay awake for hours listening to Lions roaring & even had a major altercation between prides right opposite Lower Sabie Camp & woke up to find that the two prides totaled over 20 lions & there were two lying dead that had been killed in the frey! Sad but the circle of life applies. Thank you always for the wonderful knowledge you Rangers enthrall us with. Keep it up! Beautiful pictures too 🙂

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