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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Lion Update: Tsalala Pride

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Interesting lion dynamics developing. Very sad about the lionness killing the wild dog, and possibly a leopard.


Camp Pan male is not in his prime anymore but for me hard to believe a single lioness would take on a full grown male leopard in his prime?? As a pride yes, but alone?

James Tyrrell

Hi MD,

An adult lioness is double the size of even an adult male leopard, so it would be no contest should a clash occur. Lions will readily taken on leopards singlehandedly.



Hi James,

okay, but she is nof full grown right? and for example a prime male leopard like Anderson male, or Camp Pan 5 years back is around 90-100 kg…

Brian C

The sub-adult Tsalala female has truly had a difficult life and almost did not survive. It is sad that she (may have) killed a leopard and a wild dog, but that is the harsh competition in the bush. Her temperament sounds more like the Styx Pride (notorious killers of young leopards). I’m really hoping Nanga & Maliliwane & the year old Maliliwane cub are safe.

Brian C

Actually, now I am worried about Mashaba, Mashaba Young Female & Tutlwa and any leopard the Tsalalas are likely to encounter. I’ll just wait for the update

Jill Grady

Is the Tsalala young lioness not a Majingilane daughter James? Why are they not accepting her? I am sad to hear about the Wild Dog and really hope she has not killed one of the Leopards. There is a lot going on with the lion dynamics — hopefully the leopards will all stay out of their way. Thanks for the great update James…keep us posted!


Keep the lion updates coming!

Wow….she sounds like a brave warrior to me!! It’s like she somehow knows how high the stakes are and that survival of the pride may very well be on her shoulders. She obviously has to be prepared right now to take on the seemingly unbeatable odds, including the male dominance/agression from other prides who could attemp to take over her pride’s territory any moment. No wonder the attitude; it is HER only hope for survival. The difficult upbringing isn’t the source of her bitterness (and I do not think it is bitterness at all); her hardships have served well to prepare her for what is to come.

Thanks James as always for your updates. I am especially fascinated by the lion dynamics and brings Africa back as I sit on the train coming out of London. Ahhh Africa


I love any update on that young lady! BB worked so hard for her! She is definitely one of my favorite lionesses, i hope the other young ladies in the pride also stay safe to help her carry on the Tsalala name (i do pray the leopards stay clear)

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