on What is Africa’s Greatest Safari Drink?

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Great blog Kate. Love Amarula in my coffee on morning game drive. Nothing beats a gin and tonic in the afternoon. My most favourite is Graham Beck bubbles, any time of the day.

Amarula in my morning coffee says “special” to me and a glass of bubbly in the afternoon makes my day! But, then again, Amarula over ice at sundown is soooo perfect! Do I have to choose?!

Lynn Rattray

I loved my introduction to amarula in my morning coffee! Never considered that it would be yummy over ice! Thanks!

Jackie Wesseling

Scotch in my oatmeal followed by Amarula on ice. Best way to start a cool morning game drive. Long for the time we can do this again.

Leo Wesseling

Having a cold local beer at sunset at a surprise drink stop after a great game drive with family and two great men , Tom and Jerry is the best 50th birthday present a man could ask for.
Thank you to the Londolozi family for most perfect vacation.

Well written Kate! Is that you in the Amarula advert?

Thank you Allan! Yes, I am featured very briefly in the video 🙂 I thought it would be quite appropriate to have it placed in the blog… The video was shot about 3 years ago while I was living in the Cape. Hope to see you again soon.

Master Tracker

A Savannah with lime on a hot afternoon…

When I saw a Wild Dog hunt and kill one morning. I have to say that I had one (or maybe two) with my breakfast.

Thanks for sharing Ian. Nothing wrong with a shot or two of Amarula in the morning and what a bonus to see a wild dog hunt.

Jill Grady

Nice blog Kate! I loved my morning game drive coffee with Amarula and in the evening a lovely glass of Graham Beck on the Tree Camp deck. The start and end to a perfect day at Londolozi!

That sounds like the perfect way to begin and end the day. I have a soft spot for Graham Beck’s sparkling wines!

Kristine Dong

Margaret, from Varty Camp, gave me a red wine mixed with lemonade drink one night and I drink it all the time now! It is my go-to! My friends even dubbed it “Dongria”

Great blog Kate, I have to say that my favourite Sundowner drink is a Gin n Tonic. Its timeless, refreshing, delicious and (apparently) great to keep mosquitos away. Have you ever tried a Gin n Tonic with flavoured bitters?

Ah yes Rich, the flavoured bitters are some of my favourite and compliment the different Gins we serve at Londolozi!
Hendricks with a dash of Ginger Bitters and Cucumber Stick
Tanqueray with a dash of Orange Bitters and an olive
Bombay with a dash of Mint Bitters and a slice of lemon!
There’s also something refreshing about adding a shot of vodka to the rock shandy for a Sneaky Puffadder (as Kate mentioned!)

Have to try those Anna! Thanks for sharing 🙂

The ginger bitters is definitely my favourite of the lot. Particularly with Hendricks gin!

James Robinson

Mine is definatly Robbie’s Lazy Buffalo
Tell him I miss them already

herbert kahn

Gin and tonic! Gordon’s have brought out a new gin with cucumber! I wonder if it is available in S.A.?
No more premium gins for me, this one is very good indeed and the price is right.

Please give my best to Dave and Shani who may remember me from the many times I was at Londo’s, a very long time ago.


Herbert Kahn
Zurich Switzerland.

Jacki Zehner

I fondly remember the G and T’s at the end of the day watching the African Sunset.

Thanks for a great post!

Hugh Duncan

I cannot fathom how you have ice for drinks in the bush. I assume you bring it with you in coolers, eh?

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