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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Sparta Pride: On the Run

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great read as always JT

I think the Styx males are going to mate with the females. The Majingilane coalition are getting old and the younger males might just take their territory. But not without a fight.

James T

Hi Marinda,

I don’t think it will even come to a fight. The Majingilane are avoding central and eastern Londolozi so religiously now that I think it may well be a relatively passive takeover…


I’m a very regular visitor of Londolozi over the last 12 years and I knew all about the dynamics of lion and leopard territories. Over the last year there was so much movement that I can hardly keep up anymore. It gives me an excellent reason to come back more often. Nothing wrong with that. Thanks for the updates James, it is fascinating.

James T

Hi Jos,

Good to hear from you. Lot’s of exciting stuff happening! When s your next visit?


Very interesting, especially to see their movements plotted out on the map.

Brian C

The lions and leopards are so interesting! What is going to happen with the male lions over the nest year? I think the young Sparta males are going to have to leave and sooner or later the Sparta lionesses will mate with the Styx males. Hope the Sparta pride hangs tough.

Evette Hartig

In a perfect world, the Styx males will fall in love with the Sparta girls, the Sparta males will leave Londolozi to find the loves of their lives. The Manjingilane coalition will move into a posh retirement home and live peacefully to a very, very old age. The other prides will find males of their own and they will all live happily ever after! (if only fairy tales came true)

A gripping read, thank you. Whatever the outcome, it’s going to be both awesome & terrifying to hear about. I can’t help feeling sorry for the young Sparta males but I know that’s anthropomorphic of me to think that way. I’m sure you will let us know of any news.


Thanks for the Sparta update! How are the other prides doing? Any updates from friends at neighboring reserves that help put pieces together? Do you think Majinigis would kill cubs of Styx males if they were to mate with Sparta pride? Are the Styx males on their own, or still with their own pride?

James T

Hi Sean

Other prides are all doing well with full complements. Other reserves report everything remaining relatively peaceful for the moment. I think it likely the Majingilane would kill cubs of the Styx males, despite the fact that they are related, but one never knows with lions. I don’t see it coming to that though, as it appears highly likely the Majingilane will follow the Mapogo and simply remain in the west.
The Styx males have only been seen on their own on Londolozi over the last few weeks but I do not know if they have been spending time with their pride or not I’m afraid



Mike C

Have the majingis completely abandoned this pride?

James T

Hi Mike,

It certainly appears that way; they have not been seen with the pride for many months.


The look on the young Sparta male’s face makes me sad; I’m not sure why, or what I see there. I hope the female goes out to the Styx males again and is able to mate. Will this somehow bring some peace? It is such a large territory, surely something can happen to make room for them all to live peacefully, hence separately? (I am just learning, so bare with me!!) Thank you!!

Hi Kim,

As far as prides go, they can exist in neighbouring territories without too much conflict, the problem arises when prides grow too big and need to expand their territories or if new males enter the area, as is happening now.
I think one of the Sparta females mating with the Styx males would only bring temporary respite…


Jill Grady

Interesting blog James…I love hearing about the lion dynamics. I hope the young Sparta males stay safe and out of the way of the Styx males. Where are the Majingilane during all this James? I still think the Styx males are not strong enough yet to take over the Majingilane’s territory.

Hi Jill,

The Styx males would almost certainly not be able to take on the Majingilane in a straight coalition vs. coalition battle. It is only because the Majingilane are ceding territory by staying in the west that the Styx males are able to move into the area occupied by the Sparta pride…


Jill Grady

Thanks for the update on the Majingilane’s position James. I hope they return soon to help the Sparta pride out and keep their sons safe until they can mature and strengthen. The following days will be tough to watch if they don’t.



When will the Styx meet the four Manjin brothers? Who is gonna get the upper hand. Will the Styx take out one of the brothers? Will the Manjin brothers work as a unit again. Will the Sparta females choose a side as they sense a change in the air. Wait and watch.

Thanks for the update James, where are the Majingilane’s currently holding territory and what are the chances of the two coalitions colliding?

Alison Macleod

A very hot morning indeed!

I’m curious what your take is as to why the Southern Pride has deteriorated so much and seems unable to thrive. They’re down to one cub now that doesn’t look like it will make it.

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