About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on An Elephant and a Snare –The Amazing Relationships of Elephants

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Wonderful to know that the youngster will recover. Elephants are wonderful animals, compassionate and caring towards each other.

Shirley Bruynder

Thank you for helping the elephant. That’s how it must be

Catherine Millar

Thank you for sharing this amazing and moving story with us. And the photos are so poignant.

Brian C

What a great accomplishment to save this elephants leg. So interesting that the herd seemed to understand that you were there to help.The damage caused by the snare was rather sad, but important to see. Rotten poachers!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you Amy for this very moving account of this young Ellie! God Bless the wonderful Vet & his assistants for coming to this beautiful pachyderm & saving his young life. I just hate the poachers more & more!!


Animals are just great


We can learn so much about the value of that one animal in the moving herd. How poignant the mom knew to hold back as her babe was being helped. Such deep intelligence. Thank you Amy – as usual – beautifully photographed and narrated.

Maggie Tattersfield

I loved watching the video footage of these
animals…. I love elephants so much ….
Thank god there are so
Many good people like you.
Severe punishments should be
awarded to the wicked poachers …..


Bravo to everyone who helped free the brave little elephant from the snare! The brutality of poachers is without limit. I wish I could do more to stop them.

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