on A Tale of Two Game Drives

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Amazing wild dog images. It is a privilege to view these rare animals.

Master Tracker

It was indeed. Thanks for the comments!

Ian your patience has certainly paid off! Good work on the images, your bird photographs in the previous blog and today with your wild dog pictures.

Master Tracker

Many thanks- it was the holiday of a lifetime. However what I took away wasn’t only the memory of a really upmarket lodge, it was the personal warmth of so many really good staff.

Best wishes


Gill Barrows

What fantastic photos Ian. It is thrilling to watch these very successful animals hunt, and bring down their prey, even though as you say it seems cruel. That’s nature. We also witnessed these wild dogs hunt a warthog when we were there in August. Londolozi is a spectacular place. Thanks for the great images of them.

Master Tracker

Thanks Gill, just very lucky to get them in sequence and then remember to check the shutter speed of the camera. Its the third time I’ve seen them hunt and the first time I have seen a successful hunt. When I saw them hunt Warthog in Ruaha the Warthog managed to get back into its burrow in time.
Lucky Warthog!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks Ian, they are amazing hunters & it is patience that pays off with them! Your pictures are beautiful.

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