About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Incredible Lions vs Hyenas

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Amazing! I agree James, a once in a lifetime experience. Fantastic video footage.

Senior Digital Ranger

WOW, WOW, WOW That was absolutely fantastic!! The sounds on the video are eerie but so typical of the Hyenas, but well done to the Lions for fighting for their food 🙂 Thanks to you all for the pictures & video

Master Tracker

Amazing, the lion up at a tree would make a wonderful picture on anybody’s wall.

Incredible sighting James, great footage!

S.w. Tsang

U may think it’s fun, but not for the lions who were beaten up . Injuries are no game ! In short , hyneas are thieves period ! Good for the young male lion. No wonder as they say male lions once grow up , their hatred of these ugly eating & noise making machines grow.

S.w. Tsang

Having risked their lives, limps & having spent so much precious energy , these lions needed this meal . Good thing that they kept it . I have seen too many emaciated lions dying slowly from starvation. While no guide has ever seen a skin & bone hynea !

S.w. Tsang

What people’s perception of hyneas is true , they r cowards , clever cowards. Cowards r by definition is the one has zero courage to confront its foe by itself alone. & cowards shows bravery or bullying when it has number to gang up against one or a few weaker foe .

And gangsters do steal .

Jill Grady

Absolutely ASTOUNDING blog, photos and video James, Andrea and Russell!! Thank you so much for sharing this!! I hope the lions were not badly injured. The Majingilane sons are showing what a force they will be in the very near future.

Daniel LaRosa

I was lucky enough to be with James during this chaos, and it was unbelievable. It was complete sensory overload…the sights, the smells, the haunting sounds of the hyenas, and the low rumbles of the lions. I’ve never experienced anything like it, and I don’t expect to ever again. Thanks James for keeping us in the middle of the action!

Hi Daniel,
Sorry for the late reply to the comment.
It was truly an incredible experience. I haven’t seen anything like since!
Hope you are well. When are you planning your next visit to Londolozi?


Wow what an amazing sighting-great work in capturing it for all of us to see!!

Yea Sparta males!! Looking a bit like their pops.

Brian C

James, thanks so much for this blog. Photos and video were spectacular. Glad the Sparta pride kept their meal and no one was seriously injured. Sparta pride has been through a lot lately.

Gill Barrows

Fantastic footage and written description, just wish I could have been there with my friends Don and Judas.
Ian and I both miss Londolozi so much, so the blogs keep us in contact. Keep up the great work. Best wishes to all the Staff at Founders Camp

Richard Allan

Amazing stuff. Would have loved to have been there with Gill and Ian sitting behind us and Don and Judas up front.

Courtney M

Holy cow! The sounds are insane! SO JEALOUS!!!!!! I can’t believe how close you were. Okay, James…. Next trip, I want a sighting like that! 😉


That was amazing! James and Mike you are the best!


Amazing sights, thank you for report and clip

This is an amazing video. These vicious battles between the top two preadators wage on across Africa. The presence of one fully grown adult male would completely tip the balance for the lions. The young males are not quite there yet but these battles will fuel their hatred to the hyenas. Their confidence and testosterone levels are at a peak when they are fully mature and the hyenas know that. It is a bitter rivalry like no other in the animal world. Thanks for sharing. I wish it was longer.

loon ndlzng's

great stuff I love hyenas big time,I enjoy seeing them stealing the kills,and the the fact that they can hunt too. Thanks for sharing this man.

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